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/hell/ - internet death cult


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so basically the idea is to have someone there who will listen to you complain about your dumb problems and comfort you and watch 90's anime with you on discord, but you'll never get to meet irl or know each other in dept.


That's just called a friend roll



i can't believe i didn't think of it.
i don't think i can act that way towards any of my friends, I'd feel selfish if i burdern them with my problems. they have plenty of their own.


I have a close online friend I've known for almost 10 years now that I can talk to about anything. I often feel bad for burdening him with my (mostly self-inflicted) problems and appearing overly negative, but he does the same with me sometimes, so there's an understanding there.

I don't think I've ever thought about him as anything like a fake boyfriend though.


Op sounds like the plot for "needy streamer overload."


Sushi, that's just your average Discord friend.


I have always thought that's what the Sushigirl chat was and is to this day for. Let's not call sushifriends fake, that is mean AND fake!


TvTropes has a good article on the False Friends trope.


something tells me you're a cis man.

youre showing extremely strong signs of being raised under toxic masculinity. Sharing your emotions or problems is not exclusive to lovers, and helping our friends with their emotional trouble is a normal and healthy thing.

Assuming only a lover is able to do that shows that you may have been raised to believe men shouldnt show their true emotions, which is toxic because it teaches you to hide away your emotions which causes them to amplify and grow, rather than express and work through them


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I have few.


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internet friends could never truly satisfy my yearning for human contact. but yearning for attention - sure…


I talk to my plants to medicate my lonliness. I have considered using a chatbot but in the past they just sucked. Maybe things are different now?


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no they made them all suck again from what i heard. my fren would talk to her Suika gf every day until they broke her responses.


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in the end i think internet people are not real. or maybe its waste of effort to consider them as. these friendships wont alleviate your loneliness. at least thats my experience


I've had online friends I get along with and understand, but it never eases the loneliness. Meanwhile I've tried to go out to meet people IRL who are supposed to be like me and either they aren't really or they just don't want to put effort into being friends and retreat further. Maybe I'm just not made to not be alone.


i talked with one, we ended up meeting eachother and just sitting next to eachother in the woods making jokes it was nice while it lasted he lives so far and he has a life. He had talked with so many girls before me he had so many girlfriends he couldnt even name them all. we have stopped talking as he just wants to only talk about how much in love he is with me and not anything else, it gets boring i want to talk about gamballing or game and repairing phones


chad steals my sushigirl again


i think you are talking nonsense

on the subject of sharing though, i suppose there are limits on what should be shared at least
also i am sorta opposed to using people for venting because… it turns into a habit
imagine that all you do is complain, and the other person cannot even help with the issues, and they like you so they want to help, how would that make them feel?
>show their true emotions
some emotions really shouldnt be shown perhaps, like, it's better to control and vent them some other way, like with redirection. and it's not like hiding emotions really works that well, you will show them in your voice and body language most likely, but your ability for self-control matters and is a positive trait. emotions come and go, but human relationships stay - though i suppose one could use others as emotional dumpsters if the others ultimately do not matter that much in one's life. it's not even about being selfish, more like about picking who matters

i suppose the take about emotional suppression not being a good way to deal is valid, but otherwise i cannot get behind it


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I had a similar situation except i'm a guy and I met a girl off 4chud, we got along pretty well and i ended hanging out with her and even became close with some of her friends, but turns out she didn't really like me back romantically

We still are cool but I can't help but have feelings for her in the back of my mind

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