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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Kpg refugees welcome. A continuation of our culture. Discuss the absolute hell that is Korean Pop Music, it's creepy fandoms and general insanity.


Our exodus shall be victorious


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Sungchan is really cute imo, but he looks so much like a girl that it makes me do a double take.


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Sungchan makes Jungwoo look masculine


He makes Jungwon look better under every parameter except height tbh


I'm gonna watch the BTS online concert tonight and share my thoughts later.



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I think JW is cute but SC makes him look old and unbalanced.


What, like, you paid for it?


I think its the other way around, Jungwoo is looking a bit busted.

Are we moving here or uboachan? I vote uboachan because it's cooler x cuter


ehh personally I like this place more. I don't really like uboachan's layout tbh



voting should really depend on who you think will kick us out faster, this place seems more niche imo so they may get upset earlier


Both seem very niche? We already took over all the uboa main page kek also the last admin post or whatever is from 2019
I'm hoping that the mod from lolcow on cc will make moves once cc admin locks the thread, that's probably our best shot


both this place and uboa are run by the same person so it really just comes down to aesthetics at this point


Is anybody here from cc/lo/choa??


I'm from lc and cc


chaeyoung broke me


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I miss Infinite.


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Infinite's discography is amazing, give it a try bros~~


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Counting days…


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God he's so beautiful…


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My based husbando!!


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I miss husbandosperging…


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[ Total posts: 172386 / Posts in last hour: 244 / Unique recent IPs: 130 / Total boards: 4 / Media files stored: 42345 / Total media size: 22.77 GB ]


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My beautiful talented husbando I'll love you forever….



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Sungjong got discharged yay!


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Laun is cute! CUTE! <3


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Guess I got what I wanted, bros
Take care everyone!


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Bomin my cute bf


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Golcha is my fave group, their discography is so good.. Another good comeback from them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZL5MYD9oRQ


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Sometimes, it's better to just let people like what they like when it's harmless, even when we don't personally understand it.

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