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/hell/ - internet death cult


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>/hell/ has discussion

So I can't wait for winter to come. Everything will be slippery and the homeless will freeze to death. Ever wonder how the nordic countries have so few homeless people?
Also there will be ice fairies. Just like last year. For sure. Mhm.

Secret handshake out

ps I keep reading the new topic button as new york


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>running on show without shoes




>I keep reading the new topic button as new york
You should probably try to sleep for a while.


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>Ever wonder how the nordic countries have so few homeless people?
They have best welfare in the world :)


I'm pretty sure the homeless just hibernate during the winter. They're biologically distinct from the rest of humanity because they've been separated from other people for so long. Begging is an instinctual behavior that homeless people ingrained in their young over the years so that now it is second nature. In addition, just as dogs evolved to become more attractive to humans and elicit sympathy (though this was partly through breeding on the part of humans), so too have the homeless evolved to cover themselves constantly in dirty clothes and grime to elicit sympathy from the human race. Interbreeding is of course still possible, but since we still do not know what homeless society and culture are like (due to a lack of research) avoidance should remain the dominant strategy. Due to their weak and cowardly nature, one needn't fear attacks from this nonaggressive species


last sentence is incorrect

homeless drunkards can be intimidating, especially when sober


what the fuck


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summer came really late for sushichan yeah?


biggu bakku dayo


CIRNO is cute


love this fucking webm

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