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/hell/ - internet death cult


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yes he is a he, but he could as well be a she. but he's not, and that's a good thing. i don't care anymore. i used to, but i don't anymore. i don't have the capacity to imagine anything beyond what's been provided. the framework he's provided is a feminine abstraction, a silhouette. but i know it's not true. then again, i don't care. i used to, but not anymore. this feminine silhouette is as fake as he is. because, as far as i know, even He could be fake. that actually worries me. not as much as it used to, but it still does. i don't even know if he is real. he could be. i'm trying to find out, slowly, the same way i tried to find out if he is a he or a she, or a he trying to come off as she. that i ended up finding out. but what good does it do if i don't even know if he's real. that's what i'm trying to uncover now. it might take some work. i hope i manage to. give me a couple of weeks, maybe. facades are paper-thin, they always crack under pressure, over time. His facade is paper-thin, i can see right through his cold demeanor.


what to heck is this post

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