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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1568574621773.jpg (35.84 KB, 599x322, sargon-pwned.jpg)


How are you doing my fellow kekerinos, dont forget about our 20 year plan to save western civilization with frog memes, lets own the libs by destroying UKIP brothers, for liberalism!


File: 1568657206856.png (717.88 KB, 1024x1029, 1519962234649.png)

It's a real shame…

He still has some good ideas but way over stretches his importance and intelligence. I think all the years being at the top of the anti-samurai platter YouTube fuck mound went to his head. He got stuck there, didn't evolve; thus is just horribly out of touch and by extension immeasurably cringey. I have a friend who unironically wears a Kekistan shirt in public, I'll try cop a pic.

He should just go back to making more low effort videos and not take him self so seriously. The fan art is awful.

Necromancer when Sargon?


I like his videos but jesus, he needs to take a break and stop doing politics.


Sargon's problem was getting into politics. It is very obvious he has no idea what he is talking about much of the time, especially when it comes to US politics, where he is a fish out water who tries to talk the talk, but falls on his face every minute (that's a lot of idioms). Anyways, he used to be somewhat comedic, when he used to do TWIS, but after he stopped doing that and going really hard on the identity politics, it's very hard to take the guy seriously as he has some very conservative stances on identity politics, many of which aren't even relevant in the country I live in (despite him thinking so).

Politics are not at all /comfy/.


Internet politics hurt


And you bumped this year-old thread to say this?

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