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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Remember to keep it cozy!

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1468379000920-0.png (872.12 KB, 2560x1024, 2015-07-10-002254_2560x102….png)

File: 1468379000920-1.png (2.51 MB, 2560x1024, 2015-08-02-231928_2560x102….png)

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I found some old screenshots.


File: 1468417288606.png (10.71 KB, 368x272, 4b4233988514cda6d209bd5e16….png)



File: 1468608429600.png (62.08 KB, 413x650, 143580395639.png)



File: 1468849046303-0.png (428.24 KB, 640x480, itamae.png)

File: 1468849046303-1.jpg (205.74 KB, 576x1024, itamae-chair.jpg)

File: 1468849046303-2.jpg (838.68 KB, 1280x960, itamae-opiates.jpg)



This one is amazing. Such a cute lady lol.


File: 1468985005383.jpg (4.51 MB, 5312x2988, sushiserver.jpg)


dog bless him


is that ~nate?
Gee, never got to see him well.


Lol. Is "chan culture" that much of an outlier?
For me the transition was easy.


File: 1473580109069.gif (1.45 MB, 483x435, 1453167711090-1.gif)

What if itame got eaten by skinwalkers while in the mountains and they are impersonating him now?


~nate was the second secret upload directory, apache automatically creates such directories for each users $HOME.
The upload part was a php script that didn't check for file types originally so we almost hackedd him once.
See, itamae's username on the server was nate.

But yeah, that's him.


oh my gosh


Boy, I got some stories about skinwalkers if anyone's still around on this board and interested.


File: 1508508339489.jpg (60.29 KB, 613x559, GOyvrsp.jpg)

I'm always down for skinwalker stories.


File: 1513501946133.jpg (42.07 KB, 480x542, 1493441603548.jpg)

>he never delivered

d-did he get got by skinwalkers???

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