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I hate it when I'm reading some shitty news article about some dead asshole and they can't actually come up with any reason this stiff had to live or for us to care about them, so they come up with the same old generic shit you could say about anyone "[deader] was [at least one trait that's supposed to be positive], liked [thing generally agreed to be enjoyable], and [at least one of his close genetic relatives] was sad."

The only real sad thing here is how absolutely superfluous and cookie cutter the majority of humans lives are. Hell even getting some mention in a newspaper after you die is more than most people will accomplish, most people's lives don't even amount to that much.


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I feel you, the common threads visible in all of our lives make them feel less meaningful, but I would be careful to rank garnering the attention of others as an accomplishment. I am more accomplished than Chris-Chan will ever be, and I'm just some sushi roll you probably won't hear from ever again. Have a nice life by the way.


>>I am more accomplished than Chris-Chan will ever be, and I'm just some sushi roll you probably won't hear from ever again.
Fair enough
>Have a nice life by the way.
You too mate.


There's been so much edgy stuff around recently. Society is dumb this death would be a sweet release that. What is going on?


The whole purpose of these ads is to inform people who might care about their old colleague or school mate, but weren't in touch enough to get contacted directly by the bereaved.

Old people use to check the newspaper for familiar names. If they can connect a name to a face, they usually remember the time they spent with this person as well, so there is no need to write a résumé.


"I'm not like the other people! I'm unique and special" -Everyone, including OP, probably.

In fact, it's not hard to be unique. There are so many combinations of things in our lives that the odds of someone else having the same job, taste, skills, life experiences, etc. is pretty much nil.

If someone asked you 33 yes or no questions about yourself, there would be 2^33 unique combinations, or over 8 billion. And there's more than just 33 yes or no decisions in life.

But uniqueness shouldn't be conflated with quality. You can have a meaningful life even if it isn't super different. Conversely, a different life doesn't necessarily imply that it's good.

Just enjoy your life and stop giving a shit about whether you're special or not. Life's too short to give a shit about dumb things like that.

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