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/hell/ - internet death cult


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Hey Sushis, how many people burn alive every day?

Is that something that science has quantified? Can we pull up any people-burning studies on scihub? How many people burn to death without being reported? How sad and lonely, to burn to death without anyone there to record it for LiveLeak or lol at you.

I hope my death will at least merit a chuckle or two, whether or not it involves fire. Maybe I'll be dying in my sleep with a booger hanging out of my nose, give me something nice and undignified like that and I'll die a happy man.


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It is okay to burn with passion.


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What if I have a passion for getting burned?

Like, should I use shampoo? Seems like that worked for that schizo guy two threads down, but I don't want to go bald….

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