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/hell/ - internet death cult


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People are being poisoned,burned,infected,numbed,blinded,crippled and balded by the shampoo,pills,mouthwash,nasal cleaners,eyedrops,beverages and food.


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My shampoo is definitely killing my hair. I'm going to trash it and buy a different brand.


I don't take pills, if I get sick I smoke weed. Helps better every single time.


It burns me good and makes my mouth feel so fresh. Also protip, don't swallow.

>nasal cleaners

Never have used them.


I probably need some right now, but I don't use eyedrops very often.


Soda and snacks are very bad for you. Eat fruit and veggies instead.


Again only food that is crap for you which is only obvious.


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Its cheaper to get poisoned.


just b urself


i tried to go without shampoo for a couple months and my dandruff was grossly out of control


I need to switch shampoo myself. My hair has been really flat and messy lookin after my showers recently. Ive heard Pantene is apparently the worst for your hair, but the couple times ive used it, my hairs come out pretty well. Guess thats what ill switch too.


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Companies deliberately worsen water quality to increase bottled beverage sales.


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Things like planned obsolescence and artificial scarcity are so commonplace that it's barely worth listing examples. Any dirty trick to increase profits is used, any morals or care that a large company shows are competely for show.


Is that even considered a conspiracy?
I thought that everyone already knew that as fact.


No, I was using it to show >>1452 that it wasn't really a conspiracy theory. Believe it or not though, a lot of people do actually deny that planned obsolescence exists.


We live in truly bad times. When would you say that companies started taking this path? I personally would date it as early as back to the the "depression era".


Cheap shampoos can indeed ruin your hair. I never thought much about it till I started noticing a heavy build up of some sort of crusty flaky substance on my scalp which felt like scabs. Turned out to be wax residue from the shampoos I was using. I got that cleared out but not before it caused some noticeable damage.


Man this is just natural human behaviour. The shareholder method of governance often leads to nothing but the clawing for constant increase in profits.

I think family run businesses are better in this regard, they often seem satisfied with a sort of "not increasing but still making a steady profit" type of operation, which I think is the most sustainable operation. Not that I have anything to base that on, it's pure speculation.


>I think family run businesses are better in this regard, they often seem satisfied with a sort of "not increasing but still making a steady profit" type of operation, which I think is the most sustainable operation. Not that I have anything to base that on, it's pure speculation.

I'm sure their customers are generally more pleased about their service as well. I know that I usually enjoy going to a small business location a lot more than a big business chain, etc.


I love scratching that stuff out of my hair.




I think this is what's wrong with my hair and why I have an extreme case of dandruff. What exactly did you do to clear up your problem?


Also I used to way back when I was in middle school. I looked around the classroom and was like guys, I'm making it snow! Other kids instantly thought I was absolutely disgusting. One girl tried to report that I had lice and a nurse came in with gloves while making me sit to deal with her going through my head in front of the entire class. No wonder my social life is nothing now days.


Use a shampoo that doesn't suck. Something harsh, salicylic acid will burn your fucking flakes away.

I also used to rub olive oil in my hair, to kind of keep it moist and to glom up junk in my hair and on my scalp.


lmao shampoo is for nerds my hair is strong and grows an inch every week. also sometimes when i scratch it white flakes or something fall out, dunno what that's all about, but a nice party trick
just drink from pubic fountains

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