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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1517626780263.png (71.76 KB, 369x356, show me your dick.png)


My chest hair is too thin and girly.

I'm never gonna get a bf


File: 1517783747546.jpg (78.05 KB, 442x535, 220.jpg)

at least you dont only have hair around your nipples

be grateful for what you have, it could always be worse


File: 1517790861933.png (73.7 KB, 377x376, AHWAWAWAA.png)

Oh my god, sushi, I'm so sorry.
I will weep for you and your perpetually itchy nipples.


meh fuck the people who judges your chest hair - you don't need them.


Thank you for your kind words of support, sushi.
I will always be a little shocked and disappointed in myself. I should have listened to my grandfather's advice on this and ate more bratwurst. That man was fuzzy as hell, even after chemo. I let him down, I wish I liked meat enough to have followed in his wisdom.


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I always wondered what people need hair for. Even transplantation is a thing nowadays. I would be glad to be bald all over. It would be easier to decide where my body ends and where the world begins, a common problem of my daily hassle.


A beard is nice in the winter. Going all Mumford and Sons really fills in the gaps of your cold weather gear nicely.

The rest of it? Doesn't seem to have much purpose.

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