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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

File: 1513853021713.png (210.79 KB, 433x436, 1513716498728.png)


>walked in the kitchen to get some tea
>see my parents


I hope you joined in.


No, but I can't dare look them in the face now. Probably going to be awkward till after New Years.


Forever the image of the bowchicka wow wow burns in Sushis mind.


According to Norman Mailer and Shia LaBeouf, you did the right thing, OP.

Congratulations, hipsters think you're cool now. That's the real tragedy in all of this.


what's the big deal, your parents fuck
where the hell do you think you came from dude


The devastating thing is that OP is a test-tube baby

Who was fucking his mom on his kitchen table? Darth Plagueis?



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