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/hell/ - internet death cult


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why do people want to die

why message me, of all people? i worry so much, but theres nothing i can do.


protip: if someone is actually gonna commit suicide they probably won't tell anyone about it so that no one tries to stop them. If someone is going around telling people that they want to die, it is most likely a cry for help or they just want attention.


> i worry so much, but theres nothing i can do.
That's the point, Sushi. The guy wanted you to feel that way.


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Nah, they probably don't know how to deal with the situation. The message behind this is essentially "I can't handle this alone." Also whoever was saying that must have great trust in OP.

>why do people want to die

pain and grief in the present, lack of hope for the future, leading to fear for even worse conditions in combination with the inability to change things eventually resulting in despair

serious topic is serious


this is absolutely not true. three people I know have made attempts on their own life and all three of them contacted people as they were ending it. they want to die but they don't want to die alone. and in some cases they want to be talked out of it on a deeper level. one person who attempted on their own life did it during a call with a loved one and was talked down into calling for help to save them before the drugs took effect. in other cases they want to say goodbye to someone they think won't be able to stop them.

this is what makes it so shitty when people do it for attention. because it's something actual suicidal people do too.


These are both excellent posts. Good work, rolls.


>it is most likely a cry for help or they just want attention
Which one of these isn't worth your time to provide?

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