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/hell/ - internet death cult


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File: 1506274987837.jpg (3.65 MB, 2848x4288, Chaire_Cathédrale_Liège_24….jpg)


What is this guy feeling? His facial expression looks complex.


He feels intense frustration that he can't get his hair quite right.


There is an itch on his scalp, but he can't find it.


I giggled


He just woke up from a hangover. He is still groggy and his hair is scruffy and messy.


He's holding in a sneeze, because he knows he sounds too cute when he sneezes. But holding it in only makes it come out cuter.
Truly a complex piece.


are you talking about me


he's obviously talking about me


File: 1517005766817.jpg (Spoiler Image, 88.3 KB, 720x900, FACE TOUCH MOTHER FUCKER.jpg)

I'm sure both of your sneezes are adorable, but by no means are they as cute as mine.


prove it

all three of you


File: 1517337686428.png (Spoiler Image, 247.03 KB, 500x411, uguu.png)

I can't


a nuanced combination of frustration and despair, like he just realized that he lost his wallet along with his non-refundable train tickets



I think he is stoned


He's shocked and amazed by all of the strong and long girls in the next thread over.


He looks like he's wondering how he managed to piss off his girlfriend this time.


It looks like something sudden happened that broke his worldview and he is very upset and confused, like someone said to him 'nice nips' and he realised that he has never worn a shirt in his whole life and how could this have happened.


I lost.

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