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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

please insert coin

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File: 1593787994571.png (185.09 KB, 906x640, rolypolys.png)


This is a sequel to Rolypolys here https://compu-lsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rolypolys_no_Nanakorobi_Yaoki

https://compu-lsd.com/wiki/index.php?title=Rolypolys_no_Sekai_Ryokou This game here, on the right. Anyone have any ideas? Where to talk?


I don't think you'll have much luck on the english speaking internet, I think your best bet is to check japanese auction sites or ask around in unexpected places for people who might have a copy to upload a disk image.


(of course if you're looking for no nanakorobi yaoki [which I don't think you are?] it's up at http://satoarchives.com )


Ah made a mistake there, I did. I'm searching for World Tour!
I'm trying to find it on Japanese auction sites, but no luck there, game's rare. And I don't think even if I find a Japanese owner they'll want to rip it, Japanese copyright laws are wack



Can you update this thread if you ever have any luck? I'm intrigued by all this

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