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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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File: 1576763532437.png (48.57 KB, 801x639, kamilia2.png)


Does anybody here play "I wanna be the guy" fangames? Maybe even the original. They are quite fun, i am currently playing "I wanna kill the Kamilia 2" and at the end of stage 6. Share your progress if you do play them here.


File: 1578526614506.png (27.5 KB, 679x301, I Wanna Kill The Kamilia I….png)

I used to play them a lot
It's a pretty niche thing but I also really like them, the satisfaction you get from beating them is just so good.
Also Kamilia 2 is really fucking tough. I think I started my playthrough in 2015 and took long breaks from playing it because of how tough it was (got stuck for hours on the boss rush)
I just finished it last year with pic related as my death count and timer
Have you tried "Not Another Needle Game"?


Yeah, at 15Xth level on NANG. At boss rush in Kamilia, beat destination and trying crimson now.


Nice, destination and crimson are definitely the hardest bosses.
If you're not already doing it, you should really try to find all the secrets in NANG. It's really worth it for what you get.


I played Jumper and Jumper II, the prequels of Super Meatboy and iwbtg I guess. Ogmos jump sound is super cute.


I beat NANG on bad ending going for the good ending.

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