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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Have you played crystal chronicles?
Did you like it?
I've only played the DS games and i loved them, their story, gameplay and music were great.
Any more games like this series?


I played the one on the Gamecube, I think that was the first, and the one on the Wii.
The gamecube one was fun and sort of simple. I replayed it again recently and I can see that it is meant for multiplayer but even alone it offers a neat little game of trying to manage your movement options and inventory/attack choices. Plus it feels really comfy like you really are just the guy out on a journey for your town, little bits of lore thrown in like you're hearing stories from people around the area before you go in. So alone it's comfortable and relaxing while still being engaging, can't speak for multiplayer.

The wii one I remember less, didn't remember finishing it or really enjoying it too much but I might replay it eventually.


I'd like to when I'll get a ds.


I only played the original on gamecube. Beat the whole game in multiplayer a couple times. I keep really fond memories of it. Maybe gameplay it is a little too simple and repetitive, but the atmosphere and the ost are amazing. If you have the chance to play it with friends you definitely should.

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