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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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File: 1560097749708.jpg (383.56 KB, 1493x1500, SMACK BITCHES UP.jpg)


Anybody watching the E3 down here?
Anything you found funny from it?


I'll wait and watch what I think seems interesting later. I'll end up missing work if I watch the live streams.

Hoping to see more sweet stuff for next year. Really enjoyed RE2, even tho I was skeptical of the trailer from last year (too gory to be atmospheric).


There was a guy called Matt Booty on the Microsoft presentation, which was mildly funny


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I did not expect the bethesda presentation to end up this adorable. She saved all of E3 2019.


Keanu Reeves.


Just watching these shows makes me uncomfortable. I can't put a finger on it, but something about this event feels incredibly hypocritical and cringy to me.

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