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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

please insert coin

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It's so sad that no one is talking about this game. I get the price might scare away the general audience and the fact that action-puzzle games have been tainted by phone games doesn't help either, but this game is seriously a lot of fun! I guess it's cool that the few people who bought this game are also enjoying it as much as
I am, but considering that this is a nintendo game stuck on the switch and the 3ds, and the fact that the price is $50 means this game is probably destined to fail.
If you have a switch and want to play this game, just do what I did! I used those nintendo gold coins you get when you buy stuff from the eshop and knocked the price down to $43.


I haven't seen much about this game, but when did video games become so prohibitively expensive? Nintendo first party games are usually like £50 but third party games like the switch version of the crash remaster are, what, £25? Not to mention the switch and controllers are expensive too. :(


In the US new games for all systems have been $50-60 for many years. The only new games that go for $30-40 are re-releases of old games, or games for handhelds.


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And then there is inflation.


Holy shit wtf??? How the hell did Nintendo even make sales with that highway robbery??


What options where there? The Genesis? You can charge whatever you want when you are the only player in the game.

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