i sit back up and put my shoes back on properly. then i walk away as if nothing had happened.
fixing my back after a hard night of gaming, please don't stare
Fumbling around in my female body after getting gender swapped because I’m not used to the change in physique and lower center of gravity.
I pick her up and put her back into bed and tuck her in and kiss her goodnight on her forehead.
I ignore the concerned glare of my friend, who just witnessed me transform into a black-haired woman with red eyes, and them shift my eyes to the ceiling as I begin to ponder over this unprecedented transformation. After forming a list of hypotheses in my head, I fling myself into an upright posture and begin my analysis. I check to see if past scars, asking my friend to check the scar on my back, and birth marks such as moles still remain on this new body, measure my weight, height, and general proportions to compare them to my previous measurements, test my physical aptitudes such as strength and dexterity, dig into my newly obtained genitalia as it is a sensual experience I have not and could not have ever had, and inquire with my friend to resolve whether or not my mind has been altered along with my body.
After completing my preliminary analysis, I decide it's better to stop extending a simple post into an entire short story and I, therefore, cut it prematurely.
I can now live out my yuri fantasies!