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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Resurrecting this thread out of the .tokyo archives. Any sushi rolls here own a VR headset? Any rolls just curious about them? What games/experiences are you trying these days? Any small projects that you would recommend trying?

The last thread was made just as the two main PC headsets (Oculus Rift and Vive) were coming out in 2016. In the two years since, we've seen slow but constant growth in both headset sales and the number of available games. In addition, the lineup of Windows Mixed Reality headsets is making room-scale VR with hand tracking more affordable than ever. Beat Saber is helping to push VR to arcades across the country and I really hope this is the time when VR makes it to the mainstream.


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"VR" headsets still kind of suck based on what I've tried. I'm waiting a few more generations till we get 8k resolutions at least, plus things like millimeter wave antennae built in for high bandwidth wireless. The SLAM they use could be updated as well, probably would make sense to use something like solid state lidar for that compared to the finicky webcam tracking systems they currently use.

Also, if this isn't too off topic, is anyone here interested in AR headsets as well as VR headsets? Magic leap recently finally started shipping their devkits, and while it's not anywhere near as good as the hype, it's a step up from the hololens in terms of FOV. Another generation or two of increased FOV and lighter weight and I could almost imagine using something like this to replace my phone.


I tried a VR headset once at a local convention five or so years ago but I got motion sickness from it.


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I have a rift and right now I've been playing a bunch of Vox Machinae and Pavlov. I got this thing back in January and I really enjoy all the games I got for this thing, even emulating some older gamecube games using it feels refreshing. As for my recommendations, Vox and Pavlov are both great if a little arcadey, Onward is an excelent milsim, Beatsaber with mods is a treat and will help you get your vr legs.


Try Resonite. It is better than VRChat in nearly every way.


i've been trying to enjoy the blade and sorcery full release but i think i've gone too schizo to use my headset anymore. cameras constantly scanning my house/room, controllers tracking my movement and gait data. just feels very invasive to my aging schizo brain.

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