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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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File: 1722600951853.jpg (66.82 KB, 447x223, Lisa_The_Painful_cover.jpg)


Thread for the LISA series (Lisa the first, Lisa the painful, Lisa the joyful) and all LISA fan games
Discuss anything about the series and any fan content made for it
Post art, music, fangames, and mods


Used to love this series, but nowadays I only see it as angsty horseshit.
The only redeemable thing out of this is Pointless and SOTWS.


>but nowadays I only see it as angsty horseshit.
How come?


Never played the game, just watched youtube
Overall I appreciate the style and the whole cultural appeal - but the gameplay/game design choices make me want something different, something more streamlined and rpg-ish I suppose


Interesting how (imo) this game is closer to MOTHER 3 than it is to Earthbound


It's due to it's tone

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