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Pull out that comfy commander chair, Sushi Rolls. General discussion on RTS and RTT goes here.

>What are you playing/have been playing?

>Favorite game?

>Favorite Faction?


I dunno if this counts as RTS, but I really miss playing Warcraft III, especially the custom maps. Are there any custom map communities still active, or has everyone moved to SCII or the dota 2 engine?


>I dunno if this counts as RTS, but I really miss playing Warcraft III
Warcraft does count as a RTS

>Are there any custom map communities still active, or has everyone moved to SCII or the dota 2 engine?

It's RIP I believe.


I used to love playing Age of Empires II and Starcraft back in highschool but now there don't seem to be any good RTS games coming out. Maybe I'll go through the Starcraft campaigns because it's been so long.
>Favorite game?
Supreme Commander blew me away when I first played. It's still probably the best RTS I played. Starcraft, CoH, AoE II are all close but they can't compare to SupCom. Aeon is the best faction


I used to play Tzar The Burden of the Crown all the time when I was younger. The game is still impressive today.

The sound track is something you just want to put the game on pause and listed to for hours.


The last one I played was the open port of Imperium Galactica, but I'm more of a /gsg/ guy (Darkest Hour is the one I keep coming back to)


>>Are there any custom map communities still active, or has everyone moved to SCII or the dota 2 engine?
It's RIP I believe.

There's still a relatively active playerbase on ENT and other sites


Played Creeper World 3. Has some interesting flow to it. Highly recommend.


If it counts, I used to play a ton of Tremulous. Hard to choose a favorite faction, they were both so different.


>What are you playing/have been playing?
Oh man, it's been ages since I've played any RTS games. I used to play tons of StarCraft (the original, not SC2) back during middle and high school. I also played some Age of Empires II and Age of Mythology.

>Favorite game?

StarCraft, hands down.

>Favorite Faction?

Protoss, though I was pretty decent with Zerg as well.

Yay, fellow StarCraft players~
I tried playing Supreme Commander a couple of times, but I couldn't really get into it. In all fairness, however, that might be because of the lousy people who introduced me to the game.


>Favorite game?
World in Conlifct.

>Favorite Faction?

Allies in RA 2 and 3.


File: 1494876168630.jpg (1.9 MB, 1600x1082, empires-dawn-modern-world-….jpg)

Empires: Dawn of the Modern World just got re released on GOG. Don't know how many people played this one, but it hit me with a ton of nostalgia. It was like an AoE game with WW2 units and 3D graphics.


Westwood Studio's Command & Conquer (1995)


I've been entertaining the thought of getting involved in the age of empires 2 online community.


Age of Empires II DE is pretty decent for beginners, although there's recently been some kind of influx of rude tryhards on the ladder, the types of blowhards who don't say glhf or gg.


NOOOOOO being the silent ownage machine was supposed to be MY GIMMICK!!!


idk man it makes me really pissed off when people don't say glhf back or at least u2


I don't mind quality of life changes but there's something about the grime of StarCraft

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