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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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Since we are here at hell anyway why don't we talk about God or Gods and such? They don't even have to be real, they can be higher archetypes you identify with or interacted with somehow, I'm not really pagan either, or anything at all.

What Gods have you met or interacted with? Or what higher archetypes have you explored in your mind or identified with?

I have always been avid about the west past and present collective conciouness, even if it's about exploring the east and even if it's exploring the east via west lens via the internet culture. Recently i took hold of my life again and this Éris Goddess just keep taking me everywhere and distorting my world and paradigmas non-stop, Its been the most chaotic fun i had in my life even if it's quite rough. It was all a ride from Her to the dual and non dual of existence and it was pretty neat. Biggest God experience a friend of my had was first talking to Ganesha while tripping on ayuhaska or other friends that met God throught their Anima either on rituals, DXM or LSD, others just connect by more collective methods like neopaganism or even throught themselves like Absurdism or Nihilism. Other people relate experiences about Gods or archetypes along identification or synchronicity. There are even talks with ideas of monotheistic Gods, coming in form of a Father God of all or Mother God of All or even Gf of universe. I just want to have fun talking to you guys and see what comes out.
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I met Eris too once while meditating. She embraced me, not sure why. Guess she was just in a good mood that day.


Hatman seems like the same type of hollow archetype that lowly spiritual creatures dress up to inflict fear on victims. There are some archetypes like this, of course not discrediting how those archetypes keep coming back with appearances alike on different cultures at different times. I guess an example of those on older times would be the boogeyman, who is said to take the kids and blah blah, more recently would be the slenderman who does the same, but it's just from a photoshop competition, even then there was a case of two girls sacrificing another girl for slender on usa. Those archetypes are hollow, but vivid in children's mind who are afraid of them, lowly spiritual creatures use this opportunity against them.


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It's pretty funny how Eris went from a disliked greek goddess to the Goddess by the discordians since principia discordia and then more and more influential over the years, even getting a dwarf planet named after her in 2003 and random pop culture representations lol
Yesterday I was meditating to enjoy some of the geometry from the comedown of a DXM trip and saw her slicing her throat and the cut morphed into an eye over the middle of her throat, don't know what it means, but it was pretty.


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No way!
Eris sold me weed, I love that friendly lady


Yes I worship the Goddess, Kalisti desu

When she first came to me she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. She does have a nasty side though. But what can I say, I like sweet and spice

Eris has her own official ImageBoard btw, uses the Discordian calendar and everything.

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People are being hugged,kissed,held,smiled,loved,nights out,costumes,appreciated,company,talked,cleaned and pleasured by nurses,friends,bunnies,school girls,teachers,siblings,pilots,sukeban,monsters and robots. Hands up shirts, breathing on faces, hands and bodies being pressed onto people. Love and happiness.
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Government is stopping me from spreading the kindness pandemic because of the other pandemic


What is the original version of this copypasta? I know I recognize it but I can't remember what stupid thing it was originally about.



Keep that filth in /lewd/


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Oh yeah whose gonna make me? Check this out

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In Germany ninjas are called Nin-nyaa :3


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Why is this in hell?
Phone posting is a lot less comfy than I thought it'd be. I don't understand people that prefer phones for browsing

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This is nice board
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3 sucked on release and even after all the patches it received it is still way worse than 1 and 2. Those two are just lovely.
Anyway it made me happy to meet somebody else that knows those games, therefore dinner is on me!


fuck munch


+1 for fuck munch


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I got banned for ban evasion even though I wasn't lole. Mods either thought or pretended I was Catfish for an excuse.


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I really like her shitpost reviews.


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Уровень самоубийств среди мужчин не падает….

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I can hear it


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It's yuyuesday


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ya website sucks


i am full of ANGER


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no more comfy
this is angry board now


I don't even remember what I was angry about
Right now I'm just tired


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no more angry
this is tired board now


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Is this board pro-Cracky or anti-Cracky?
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It is comfy, so shut up OP


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This thread keeps giving me deja vu (literally, just some weird energy I guess) and the board is even sometimes too fast for me


less cringe than uboachan tho


more like just as dead
also ubuu is a nice place pls no bulli


pls no bulli sushigirl is a little slow

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I'd only agree if the slogan was the only substantial part of the message, with little or no meaningful content framing it, or if it was intended to be incendiary.
I think the post was sufficiently framed, it provided enough of their opinion on a relevant topic that a little slogan like that can easily be glossed over if you don't wanna read it. The post stands sufficiently on its own, it's not some "cancerous" shitpost as you seem to imply. Thinking that it is, or thinking that it's a slippery slope, is overly reactive. Please don't focus on this one negative component and discount all the other stuff - it was just meant to be a simple comfy nicepost about an anime they liked that brought up a topic they support. It was a slogan, said in a context appropriate for the thread, understated and in moderation.

Also blanket approaches >>>/otaku/2294 are the worst attitude to have when you're trying to discuss any media. That was the one I had the most gripe with when I made that post. I'm only really advocating for a lax attitude towards this, something that demands a modicum of moderation from the poster and modicum of tolerance from the read. i.e. take it easy.

I'd say if things are so highly strung that:
>grrr no politics at all
is the prevalent opinion, then it's just as shit as all the other boards that vomit politics, just on another vector.
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In a weird way, the heavy desire to be comfy ends up breeding uncomfiness due to causing arguments about what fits under the comfy definition (light politics in this case). I don't really think a no politics rule is a bad thing, it truly has been the most divisive (and therefore least comfy) thing that has plagued the modern internet, but I suppose it comes at the cost of well-meaning discussion about (even minorly) political media. I do think that this is largely an issue in the specific case of transgenderism, as I have little seen a topic more decisive than that one in modern times.


But the blanket approach is the most awful one, you end up walking on wonder eggshells, worried that the slightest mistake is gonna cause a fuss, like what's actually just happened with the other sushi's post. Look how apologetic they feel the need to be - sushis would be terrified they'll step on someone's toes and be shunned out of the community, for what?

>Anime Discussion Thread

>This anime has a tr⁎⁎⁎g⁎⁎⁎er character in it which forms a significant part of the anime. Reminder not to discuss anything about this character.

Because that's real fucking comfy isn't it?
No contextualization; no patience; no moderation. It's a shit attitude that's as extreme as the ones you despise and just gives a veneer of comfort. If you're currently overwhelmed by something as nebulous as "politics" then you should tune out the extreme shit that's actually causing you grief, rather than force the silence on moderate communities, in moderate discussions, predominantly about some fucking anime of all things.
Let's have some exception handling in our executive functions.


Was observing this from aside, now I see it's rolling on its own through the circles of Hell.

>I think the post was sufficiently framed…
But it turned out to be a landmine and was set off a little over an hour later, we can't (always) have nice things and not everyone is willing, or able to take a step over it. It's just generally a good idea to recognize and be careful when dealing with volatiles. Without the no-politics rule, this place couldn't be and if you let smaller things slip by you have to deal with more similar situations in the future, which either becomes a new norm or gets shut down at "This is why we have a complete ban on that now"-post.

On the contrary, sushis should trust themselves more and this thread is proof of healthy concern over sushis' comfiness and ability to speak their minds, as well as a reminder that hasty judgment is itself uncomfy. It's the urge to share your resentment for politics, without consideration for the thread, that stained it and cast us to Hell.


Sure, I guess you're right


I'm used to seeing phrases like that used in a very militant and uncomfy manner so I do agree that they should be avoided. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth so to speak. But I'm sure the poster didn't mean anything negative or antagonistic by it and I certainly don't think an absolutist approach is necessary either, especially if it would squash discussion.

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