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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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careful what you wish for


le ebin monke paa ::DDDDDDDDDDddDD

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>Are you not the guy who whined on lainchan that people sage?
No, I haven't actually been on lainchan in a couple years. In fact, I've kinda been taking a break from imageboards in general lately, but even before that I hadn't been on lainchan in a while.
And yes, I realize that everyone uses sage, myself included, but I wasn't really talking about just using sage when appropriate, I was moreso talking about the concept of sageing every single post you make (and I know most people don't do that, because if that was the case then almost every post on the site would be saged). I still think that it tends to stick out as a bit odd when a post that most people wouldn't sage is saged, but I'll admit that calling it pseudonimity was probably a bit of a stretch.
In any case, I wasn't actually upset about it or trying to police anyone's behavior when I made that post, I was just a bit curious and I guess I just thought that it would be an interesting conversation to have at the time. Sorry if I came off as rude.




I wish i was dead


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Wrong. Soicaca board


Nah I was the one that got sensitive because of the guy I mentioned on lainchan. I guess I still had that thorn lol.
Once I saw a poster on wiz saying he saged every post he made because he never felt what he said was particularly important or insightful.
I usually sage whenever I don't add to the conversation, or just funpost. Which is most of the time.

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Hey, I just bought a VR head set but there are hardly any good games for it. Are there any good gender morph media or body swaps I should check out? So far I only found one Japanese body swap video filmed in VR180 (of a lesbian.)

I regret making the purchase like a dumb bourgeoisie, but am coping while I scour the internet for use cases. Metaverse and VR chat kind of suck, and I haven't found any other great VR games, but at least I can still use it to watch porn videos from the female point of view. (Which are mostly crap since they just lay on their back in the same position every time, and the camera doesn't move while performers do sex acts around them.)


Play VRChat, it's literally 80% men in anime girl avatars.


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Eleven Table Tennis and The Thrill of the Fight are two games that make VR worth it for me. Still returned it, as it would make me a complete shut-in. I bought a bike instead, to have a reason to go out.

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This is a weird one, sushi rolls. For my whole life I've only been attracted to girls, but the other day as I was going through bad music from childhood I ended up on one of those terrible boybands meant to seduce little girls, the main singer was warbling some shit about love and suddenly for no reason I just fell for him really hard. I watched many more of their videos (cringing at myself immensely but I kinda liked it), thought "that was weird" and went to bed. Ever since then though I've been fantasising constantly about boys and kissing them and dating them. Seeing my friend soon and I'm scared I'll act really weird because now I have a crush on him I guess. Just wondering if any sushi rolls have experience with this? I don't want to feel like this anymore, if you can help me not be gay by sunday you will have my eternal gratitude.
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You were repressing it, nearly everyone is bi and maybe soon you're realize you're trans too.


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Sounds like sushi found his peace :)


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I found a Japanese furry artist who makes a lot of mtf. Is there a good thread or image board for this stuff? I feel like I've been missing out by hanging out in non-furry friendly places.


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Honestly that mangaka's point kinda does resonate with me. I really do want to know how the other gay relationship would be in experience reality, and fetish stuff just isn't the same thing.

I'm by no means gay, but I simply can't help but wonder what it's really like to be dating a man.

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omg hai :3




Actually I think thats a u/z/i


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Looks more like an m/p/5 to me I don't know a whole lot about guns though so I'm very likely wrong


I hope the one on her head is debeaked and completely harmless

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dog missile
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dog drill


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fast dog


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Why aren't you on a vpn?

A vpn keeps you sushi rollymous on the internet.
It bypasses any school, home, office or country blocker.
It keep you un-banned from any website.
It keeps the government from spying on your internet activity.
It allows you to view region locked content from anywhere in the world.

If you like your freedom, I suggest you get a vpn http://sushi rollyourself.club
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There's some truth in here but it's mostly scare tactic bullshit that misses the point.

Some western countries require ISPs store basic traffic details for a certain length of time, if you're using a VPN then all they've got is the IP of the VPN endpoint you're connecting to, instead of the details of the sites you're visiting. As for trust, obviously that's important but you can look at past cases against your intended VPN provider to judge that. Finally if the VPN service is RAM based then they literally can't store the connection logs.


There's some truth in here but it's mostly scare tactic bullshit that misses the point.

Some western countries require ISPs store basic traffic details for a certain length of time, if you're using a VPN then all they've got is the IP of the VPN endpoint you're connecting to, instead of the details of the sites you're visiting. As for trust, obviously that's important but you can look at past cases against your intended VPN provider to judge that. Finally if the VPN service is RAM based then they literally can't store the connection logs.


This thread is sponsored by BrapVPN (give us your money), we protect your data so that your ISP doesn't see it. We do, and you have no idea what we do with it (give us your money), but you can trust us because we're taking a side on a made-up issue. But hey, Japanese Netflix amiright!!!! (give us your money)


all vpn are scum. and they keep your logs to give for fbi.


i had an expressvpn with like a years left of usage but as soon as i tried connecting here, it failed to connect somehow :( waste of my good money havent tried since then because reasons

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How do we stack up gang?
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Two of these have caveats of they where when I was under the age of 10 and thus did not have full autonomy over my life. I had parties as a kid and played field hockey as a kid.

Living the dream babyyy B)


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would've been more interesting if you had moved out of your parents and tried recreational drugs before you were 10


this image made me sad


damn, I got a bingo right through the middle.


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even if you don't get a single square I still love you <3
and now you have one!

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moved to my grandparents place for a month but they use mobile network internet exclusively, so I can't post on 4chan

need to find a comfy high-traffic imageboard to post on to keep me entertained is this place what I am looking for??

tried to post on lainchan but I keep getting an error "please make a better post" idk why
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I did this sometimes. I seriously hope nobody noticed, I'd feel so embarassed


Backstage drama?


he sounds based ^_^


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As a tinychan moderator I can't believe somebody mentioned us lol.


when I first checked out mathchan back in november they were just discussing thrembo and failing to understand logic problems like the monty hall problem

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I have major gender dysphoria and its certainly a drag on life, and I just want to rant about it, and you guys are all nice (oh yeah so fair warning this is just me going on about my problems, also this may be really long and I don't know if there's a character limit so this may be multiple parts).

I'm just never going to look or feel right, I don't think. Because I just happened to be born with this mental illness. As a kid, I always liked to imagine myself as a girl for some reason. In internet circles I'd pretend I was a girl, for no real reason other then preference. It wasn't like I was doing it for kicks, saying I was a guy after flirting with someone, i really just liked being a girl instead. I lived in a pretty liberal area, so I found out about trannies by middle school, and by age 14 i was pretty sure I was one. Unfortunately, I was a very early bloomer, and puberty hit me really hard. I was 5'10" at 14 and only kept growing, grew facial hair in middle school, broad shoulders, square jaw, everything. And I hated it as much then as I did now. I grew my hair out and to this day have real nice hair with perfect curls but that was kind of the end of things I actually liked about myself. With my frame, nobody ever really mistook me for a girl, even from behind. Guy friends I had that were super short or just feminine in general got mistaken for girls without even trying or wanting to and I felt really jealous. When I was 15 I started having friends call me "Abby" online and told them about some of this. I started getting that feeling of "being a women trapped in a man's body" people talk about as opposed to "being a man that want to be a woman," a change you don't really notice until it happens. That felt pretty nice. Every now and then, when I was home alone, I'd sneak into my sister's room and wear her clothes and look in the mirror for a while. I stopped because it felt like I was doing something perverted even though I wasn't attracted to women (more on that later), but it felt nice to take pictures of myself in dresses, even though I deleted them afterwards. but…yea. I just really hated being a man. Sometimes I would curl up and stare at all the hair on my legs and nearly have a breakdown over that.(Part 1/?)
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Maybe you should word your ideas more accurately if you do not want passers-by to understand your profound comments in unintended ways. Although, it may as well be that they don't deserve your effort.


> your profound comments
Dude, lmao… it's your responsibility as a poster to make sure you're understood by others. Being incomprehensible is not the same thing as being profound.


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Bro get over yourself omg


> it's your responsibility as a poster to make sure you're understood by others
Not necessarily. Sometimes there is a fault with the receiving end.


Yes sometimes comprehension fails on the receiving end but if your goal is to be esoteric, the fault lies with you.

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