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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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Lainchan betrayed the sushi again. Affiliate links nowhere to be seen again.
14 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


appleman1234 seems like a chill dude, even if his name is a bit sketchy. At least he is active on the irc, which wasn't the case for kalyx in his final days.

Anyway, he said he wasn't going to change anything in the near future, so yeah.


i don't know him but appleman seems like a goofster and i like goofballing so hey long live tha lain chan

may kathyx live peaceful life of jimmy johns, macbook pros, ddr , and e-fapping


I don't know, he seemed like your generic computerey guy. Too boring compared to kalyx.


its back


Hey guys! A little sushi icon popped up in the upper right-hand corner of the banner, so I clicked it, and it brought me to this site! This seems like a wonderful board!

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Excuse me


Right this way sir

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Wasze doświadczenia z 432hz?
Osobiście dla mnie muzyka jest "lżejsza" ale ja tylko stroiłem więc nie można tego 432hz nazwać.


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otwieram chińskobajkową
anime girl thread


Is there not a polish chan where you plumbers can hang out?

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Mod hates fun


That's why they're mods

BTW undo come back pls

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Wszystkich nas nie przytulicie :3


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I guess I can shitpost over here
it seems fine
I don't know what I'm doing and I'm
who knows
6 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


testin, plz ignore




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He fucked it up


I do this too.

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this place feels slower than ever, beyond the point of being comfy

I hope sushichan doesn't die
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Guys guys I found Itamae's lucky pantsu


I like to post, but I'm afraid I'm posting too much. A few new users wouldn't be so bad.


Sushichan's always been a bit slow, and I'm not entirely convinced it is much slower nowadays. Where the activity is seems to have changed, as /hell/ and /arcade/ seem to be getting a larger proportion of posts.

If you post a bunch at once, it probably seems worse. Maybe try spreading activity out a bit more?


Sure. I just need more people to fill in the gaps while I'm gone :S


I know that feel. It's like I post a bunch… then I want to post more but there's hardly anything new
You can shitpost in hell though

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It's gonna be great


I'm Singh and I'm triggerEd rn

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Come back you huge autismo
pls ,-,


we need our daily dose of monadas


everyone needs to come back

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