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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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what is a nigga



a miserable little pile of YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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My future is an abyss, which I hang over by a thread. I can't decide if it is more dignified to let go by choice or to hold on until it snaps


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dignity is worthless!

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Anyone else struggle with not being extremely off-putting in conversations? I feel like I'm constantly saying the wrong thing, or I crack jokes and then I just *feel* the atmosphere in the room darken. I legit can never tell when I'm being affable or disturbing, but I have noticed that people often avoid talking to me.
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you're probably autistic
try and hang out with other autistic people you'll get along better


I don't even know what to say to people anymore, if I want to do some smalltalk. Most people seem to do this naturally but for me it seems like we're from different planets. Sometimes I suspect we are.


Just jokes about stuff that's happened to me or problems I have.

I've been evaluated for autism. I didn't meet the criteria for a diagnosis apparently.


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That's the problem, sushi roll. Joking about your problems/trauma/past as your main form of conversing can be a downer on the other party. A look into dialetics and interpersonal communication may prove useful.


I was never really good at this because of asperger's/autism, but now being in a working environment I feel particularly at a loss because my main coworker is almost 30 years older than me and has had normal life experiences and interests, and I've spent 14 years in relative hermitage since high school. Sometimes he'll tell me stuff, but I just don't really know how to respond or even mirror the situation because I have almost no experiences to draw comparison from.

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shart fart jort blort




kcroat snitch




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does anyone have archive of kcroat art?

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feelin W I D E
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i'm disappointed, where's my dolphin pron?


holy SHIT


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be careful my friend


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I can do you one better


Does anyone remember those .swf files that would open themselves up in a thousand tabs all at once if you loaded them in your broswer?
that actually made me jump www

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I wanted to post this on /superhell/ as to not rain on anyone parade but it was locked.
I can't be the only one who fucking despises this disingenuous "wholesomeness" on altchans such as this site
This fake facade is what I go to IBs to escape from yet there are people who actually enjoy pretending not to hate how everyone acts like to get along with each other
I hate both myself and other sushis (fuck that filter by the way) and I don't see any point in sugarcoating that fact
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Internet ostracization/cringe culture and irony poisoning is doing this to you. It is incredibly corrupting and harmful. It started with cringing at normies and things they do that seemed disingenuous and fake. But now showing any kind of genuine emotion/caring about something/having an unironic opinion or just plain being nice once in a while is seen as forced and disingenuous too. Participating in normie customs, however fake they might feel can actually feel pretty nice. Being a cringe dummy and expressing feelings to people around you by words or gestures no matter how cliché or dumb they seem can actually be quite pleasurable. Maybe we can have a place where we just drop it and try ignore our fucked gut reaction to what you call ""wholesomeness"" we can finally have normal human interaction and genuinely enjoy ourselves.


I just hate that supposed "comfy" imageboards are always filled with degenerate porn. What's "comfy" about that?


You're not exactly the model of comfyness yourself


> What's "comfy" about that?
Whenever I watch this stuff, I'm in a warm, private and safe place. What would not be comfy about that?


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The twist is that I'm polite even on 4chan.
While I disagree with you about Sushigirl, I think you've hit on a real issue in a more general sense; namely, the rise of a kind of 'new sincerity' on the internet that does feel forced and insincere on a fundamental level that goes beyond just us being too irony poisoned. It feels fake because it's often performative, politicised, and selective in nature.
I wouldn't consider Sushigirl an example of this, however. If anything it's typical for smaller imageboards to be polite, in my experience, and Sushichan never struck me as particularly excessive. I think the more valid complaint against Sushichan is that some people take the 'keep it comfy' thing too literally and try to ban things they don't like, but it doesn't really matter as long as the staff continue to ignore them.

You raise a good point, but in OP's case I really think it just boils down to him misinterpreting the hostility on 4chan. It is or was supposed to be just good-natured ribbing. All of my friends are from 4chan and they are sweet, sensitive souls who just like to shitpost sometimes, but people like OP take everything literally and think they're in good company, when I think the average sushi roll would at least consider OP's deep, visceral hatred unusual. If anything, posters like that are a drag who bring the discussion down with them because of their unresolved personal issues.
I think 'cringe' humor in general has been terrible in the long-run because spontaneous interactions are inevitably embarrassing at times and shouldn't be so over-analysed.

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Auto banning system on 4chan banned me for trying to post "banned text" consisting of only covid related links.

I posted in a relatively dead vaccine injury general. /VIG/. Sorry canada bro unless you were a baiting mod.


please leave.


I can certainly see why…

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8moe is down for me.

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 No.14[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I just wanted to post some stuff I've been thinking about chans. There's no special point I'm arguing.

As far as I am concerned 8ch has been taken over and destroyed. I was just looking at some screenshots of some older 8ch stuff today: that whole story about the bank robber, people having fun with copypaste before racequeen, all the fan art about nomads travelling from 4chan and rebuilding. It was nice to remember back and think about what a good run we had. I feel like none of the new alt-alt chans have any hope of being close to what 8ch was and that's a shame.
More than that thought I'm starting to feel like the imageboard medium is a dead end. I asked myself what do you even get, today, out of an imageboard that you don't on reddit or something else. They're heavily censored these days, I find that the mods on these create-your-own-board sites really abuse their positions and remove far more than they should.
Maybe it's wrong to focus so much on the free speech aspect, the main purpose of chans is to free people by removing the assocation of their post from their identity. That is the key. What do we gain from that? Frustratingly a great deal of noise and incessant meme posts is one of the results. It's too easy to drag down the level of discussion.
The cultures are often based on paranoia and distrust to the point that spending too much time on a chan can leave you unable to interact and integrate with non-chan people. Not to ignore the enojable side of it: all kinds of chaos, fun. a place to learn about extremes thaht you would never normally see (gore, fetishes, horror stories, …). but I see the creation of OC drying up. Memes used to churn around pretty regularly, but now how long as pepe the frog been going? Also the weird meta-awareness and understanding of memes and propogation has created a weird new irony to everything. The innocent playfulness has been lost.
What would you like to see in the future? How can be change the medium itself to enable better more creative communities to form?

Some interesting articles on chan culture (got any more to share?)
- http://kazerad.tumblr.com/post/96020280368/faceless-together
- http://thebaffler.com/salvos/new-man-4chan-nagle
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damn, everyone posting in this thread should kill themselves


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Perhaps it is fate then. After the exodus one of the first threads I landed in on 8ch was one of the same sort. Why chans have reached their end in the vastness of the internet. Now, six years later, stumbling upon this thread, I realize I have found the right place.

et mornië utúlien
sinomë maruvan tenn’ umbar-metta.


stupid comic still kinda gets me ;_;


I'll still contend that the modern web is infinitely more negative than the old. People were rude and edgy back then, but they usually didn't take it that seriously. Nowadays, everyone is dead serious about everything, and it's exhausting.

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wew how yeems doin death to ohio


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duder is epic

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