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/hell/ - internet death cult

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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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This is dead because nazi mods
13 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I told you man!
I told you not to ask!
There is knock on the do


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Didn't die from knowing.


Rei is cute in this picture but her poor trigger discipline ruins it for me.


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Will ruin our shirt too.



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 No.779[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your mugshot here sushi.
146 posts and 74 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Do you know how to cook?


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thanks fam
I enjoy cooking


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My second image didnt load correctly :((((


U can't be Andrew Tate then


We are all so pretty.

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Kpg refugees welcome. A continuation of our culture. Discuss the absolute hell that is Korean Pop Music, it's creepy fandoms and general insanity.
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Bomin my cute bf


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Golcha is my fave group, their discography is so good.. Another good comeback from them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZL5MYD9oRQ


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Sometimes, it's better to just let people like what they like when it's harmless, even when we don't personally understand it.

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Jerking off


G. O. D.


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D-hot as fuck!!!

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we need more greentext
>be me
>shit myself
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>be me
>be extremely horny because of physical activities I've been getting into, sometimes jerking 4 times a day
>crank it to some real hardcore incest lolicon
>my dick ends up bleeding out because I broke the frenulum
>end up painting the whole bathroom red
>feel happy just because I like pain, laugh through the whole thing
>still worried about it, end up talking to my friends about me cutting my string doing "funny things"
>my sister said i'm too stupid to even be a coomer
>arrive to the hospital
>have to wait 5 hours just to get checked
>they just put some gauze inside my foreskin and use a bit of anaesthetics
>by the time I arrive home the gauze leaks out and I just drop blood from my cock
>can't do physical activities that were helping me to feel good mentally and now just rot in bed until it goes away


what the FRICK


>wake up
>extremely horny
>want to fap
>touch dick
>its sore
i seriously need to stop masturbating so much


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>take car in for oil change
>hey your starter sounds pretty bad, you might want to get that replaced
>…but we don't have the part here so we'll have to order it, we'll call you in 3-4 days when it's in
>2 days later
>car won't start
>shit, really don't want to have to get it towed
>let's ask the google
>people suggest hitting the starter with a hammer
>can't reach it because it's behind other parts
>open and close the hood a few times instead
>try starting again
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


>go on sushichan
>read silly billy greentext–
>never touch penis again

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The one on the left almost ruined my New Year's Eve
The one on the right reminds me of friends and happy good times.
I go with the one on the right


pink hair means she is lesbian


I only just recently found out that the same mangaka made hitoribocchi and mitsuboshi colors. He also has a new one coming out called "I'm looking for zombie", I wonder if it'll get an anime adaption too.

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When everyone that ever talked to you has harmed you
How do you develop a way of talking to others without running away at the first glance of awkwardness?


I'm still trying to figure that one out myself.


u need a disjunction of past n future performance

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this is the official ylilauta embassy on Sushigirl! warm welcome to all!
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when i saw the image i first though it was nigeria with mr krabs drawn over it


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idk, looks more like Libya turned on it's side to me


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finns are shit people


You made me remember the tune. Raspberry Heaven will be my first thought on waking and unconciosly fitted to everything for the the next week. Damn, I'm humming it as I type and trying to sychronize my typing fingers to my humming.

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Scared me during a company call. Not nice!


I still don't see ot what is it?


A little guy hidden in the doorframe, click the image and zoom in.


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ah, here's the one I was looking for

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 No.743[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What other sushi rollymous imageboard sites do you frequent?
258 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Hi i bleached my whole flat and mix some chemicasl (dumb idea i know) anyway now everything is reaaaaally far away and i feel weird what to do?


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who could have seen this comming


>I'm admin
>I didn't make a backup copy
wew lad


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uboachan, lainchan, sushichan, danger/u/, and 4chan (but only /s4s/, /w/, and /wg/ – sometimes /tech/)


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Dreamchan was a nice place to chill, but I think it has finally been shut down after growing periods of inactivity and the BO's health problems. It was one of the few chans where people weren't toxic and you didn't have chuds throwing racist shit all over, but you had chill people talking about what they were nostalgic for, their dreams and aspirations. It was one of the only image boards that had a positive and constructive environment, and I'll miss it.

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