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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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File: 1516424891468.jpg (308.88 KB, 766x545, tumblr_nagjpvuLzj1snip0zo1….jpg)




File: 1517261013175.jpg (57.02 KB, 589x450, 1454335576251.jpg)

This is perfect! I propose we put this in the 404 page.


Oh and BY THE WAY, this would make a good emotional ending theme.
Polite sage 'cuz I was >>412 too.


File: 1517316615712.gif (841.53 KB, 500x375, 362642e1bae348d01bc560465f….gif)

I dunno, isn't it a little obtrusive? Automatic page sounds are rude manners.
I guess Lainchan has a pretty okay 404, but its song is a less obtrusive 8-bit cover. Blasting Hi-NRG that doesn't really begin until 40 seconds in is a little too much.

Either way, it would need a cool gif to be acceptable. I nominate this surprisingly well-synced Azumanga OP gif.


sad low-fi teenage wasteland

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