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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Anyone else listened to Kero Kero Bonito?


It's alright, but not great in my opinion.
Maybe 1 or 2 good songs.


All of their music makes me feel good, so it's good enough. Which two songs are you referring to?


Some sushi show me Intro Bonito last year. They're great !


kkb makes really fun music. not too serious, not too silly, always super happy and upbeat. i can upload their discog if anyone would like it.


The one that goes "how many shrimps do you have to eat",
the other one I don't remember, but I know that there was another one I liked.


The way it changes from Japanese to London English kinda throws me off.



>That one that goes "how many shrimps do you have to eat"

you are referring to Flamingo


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Sarah "Midori" Perry is my waifu



I can see someone not liking it, but I find it fun!


I just wanted to thank you sushis, I had never heard of this group before and I really like them.


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>I had never heard of this group before and I really like them

Sushis in general have good taste in music. Sushis also have cohesive tastes, so finding music close to your linking is easy here.
A kind roll got me into Kindan no Tasuketsu and I've been listening to them really often since then.


>A kind roll got me into Kindan no Tasuketsu
You're welcome.


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Sayonara Ponytail is cute too


I really like this.




get hip!


The album "bonito generation" has the bumps on it. The song "lipslap" especially is nice and fun to dance to.


They're cool. I don't like the "Dude haha, cutsey thing, Tomb Raider was a good game *sips*" shtick very much, though..


Glad sushis have the best taste in KKB tracks. The Makeness remix of Lipslap is great.
Heard a Song is really catchy too.

What's everyone's thoughts on their newer stuff? I like the brit-grunge aesthetic, but the music just doesn't seem as interesting - they're clearly having a lot of fun, but it's lost a lot of their uniqueness.


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