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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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I've got a little question

Do you think that the quality of an audio file going directly from my computer into a walkman would make the quality awful? I'll buy a cassette player soon, but i don't want to spend money on virgin cassettes since I live in a third world country and, even if they are quite cheap for general standards, for me 3 dollars is way too much.

If any of you has tried the before mentioned, please tell me if it's OK or if it's awful. Thank you!


It worked alright when I did, never used the empty cassettes so can't say if it makes much difference for quality. Just in case you don't know, you need to put tape over the square holes on one side of the cassette to be able to record over it (rudimentary overwrite-protection).

I'd really consider an MP3-player instead though, avoid the added cost of all the batteries you go through and the tapes. Don't know how much more it'd be where you're at ofc.



Thanks for the response sushi

I didn't knew about the square hole thing, so thanks for that too

>I'd really consider an MP3-player instead though, avoid the added cost of all the batteries you go through and the tapes. Don't know how much more it'd be where you're at ofc.

I use an mp3 player as my main way of listening to music, mixtapes and what not, but i always wanted to put the music that i do on a physical format, and also do mixtapes to put as background on a speaker in my room whenever i invite people over, so that there's a way to start a conversation

The model that i'll buy has a USB C Charging port so i don't really have to worry about batteries, and about the cassettes; i believe i'll be only using one or two, and everything else will be bought in clandestine markets held at parks in the city where i live, but still, thanks for your advice sushi; ill take it in mind


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I assume your local situation makes cassettes more viable than CDs but I still prefer my CDs for physical music releases. Less tape rot to worry about and easier duplication.

I don't think you will suffer from a huge loss of quality using that method. Please be wary of ground loops between your recorder and computer. That can introduce all kinds of hums and ruin everything. Found out the hard way that I get nasty hums when I run both my boombox and my PC off the grid and connect them to different plugs. Thankfully my modern cheap recorder accepts C-cells.

I have never had a tape snap at the end running without an auto-stop but I have had very old tapes snap and mangle while recording. Be prepared for such (hopefully not literal) firefighting.


you've got to master the wax cylinder



>I assume your local situation makes cassettes more viable than CDs

Yup, correct

Is of course, not only because is more viable to use cassettes, but also the fact that I've never been able to have music in a physical format

Im excited and i want to see if i can make a little biz out of my music. You'd be surprised by the amount of people (Young, mind you) That store their tunes on cassettes, and do mixtapes


>>2052 Here

I should've been a little more specific

>I've never been able to have music in a physical format

I meant Analog, excuse me

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