Can we have a thread for vocalsynth music a la vocaloid, utau, voicevox, vsynth, etc? There is a huge blossoming community for these on Japanese internet and imageboards and I think it's very beautiful and worth looking into. Some questions to start the thread off
>What is your favorite vocalsynth? >Is there any particular song you absolutely love? >Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?Here's a song I really like: No.1819

>What is your favorite vocalsynth? I really love Adachi Rei. Her voice is really unique and soothing. It's made of completely synthetic sounds with no base human voice and intentionally made to be robotic. She was made for a robotics project by missile39 (who is famous/infamous for his miku robot) and was crowdfunded by passionate fans of his robotics endeavors.
A video of her work in progress can be found here:
>Is there any particular song you absolutely love?Heat Abnormal by iyowa uses Adachi Rei and it's honestly one of the best songs I've ever heard. It is a really unique song that creates a surreal atmosphere with it's sound design, fast/erratic vocals, and subdued, melancholic piano. I highly recommend it, it is honestly one of iyowa's best songs and a staple of the entire scene in Japan.
>Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?I've been dipping my toes into Project Diva on Steam gradually and been also wanting to find other rhythm games with a focus on other vocal synths such as UTAU. Project Diva is a beautiful game with absolutely stellar design both gameplay and art style. If you get the steam version, I recommend the Future Tone graphics style over the Mega Mix graphics style (you can change it in the settings) as it greatly compliments the songs better in my opinion but I know some who play Mega Mix with the original graphic style and it doesn't look too bad but the cel shading looks a bit too wonky on some songs.
>>1826wow that song is absolutely beautiful, why did it get unlisted?
>>1828No idea, I know the artist struggled but I don't want to theorize about that. Here is their channel and the song. the embed a new discovery!
this song feels me with immeasurable longing for my partner, i really can't wait to see him again. i really just want him by my side right now.
>>1829thank you so much, really appreciate discovering new artists. i am also glad the video is up on youtube at least in some way
>>1905Zundamon has such a pretty voice. It's nice to hear a video using her singing, she is really underrated for that in particular.
>>1904This is beautiful, I like the incorporation of live drums and digital ones, and the melodic serenity of it that feels straight out of a Sintara song from the 60s in the best way possible. Some classic jpop feel while modernizing things.
No.1946 I'm a fan of their music, found their channel earlier this week!
>>1947>>1950Thanks for posting these, I hadn't really come across vocaloid shoegaze before but these are great
>>1847i miss you so much too, baby. i wish i can forever be with you sooner. it's really sad to be separated from you again, but i really hope someday i reunite with you again and go through life with you by my side forever <3
you really mean a lot to me, and i think you are the best person ever.
Up drunk, missing my boyfriend whom I love very much, in the middle of a hurricane. Enough for a make song itself, to be honest. But I am too busy being entranced by this hypnotic song and the way the vocal melodies and production mesh so well. Kind of reminds me of the interesting vocal effects that otoMADS would use but as its own thing in a song.
>>1898>video got privatedwhat a shame, a common curse in vocaloid. should've downloaded and preserved while it lasted

Well this is interesting. This artist apparently only popped up a few months ago and I feel they might be a westerner given the style of the music itself (lots of distortion and the bleeding heart dancy jpop that was stylistic of 2011-2014 era vocaloid) and that they have a few songs listed on their instrumental album with some pretty clear english (not to mention having the -P title without the niconico ranking anywhere in sight looool). Despite that, I feel this is one of the few tracks with distortion/bitcrush that actually does it right, with various different levels of distortion present and padded through the verses (sounds a lot like bitcrush then into flanger then into bitcrush) until this song suddenly transforms into a distortion free and clear chorus that fits in really nicely and sounds triumphantly piercing and cognizant until fading out. I really can't stress how beautiful this is enough, it seems to be both a homage to that relatively experimental vocaloid era that legendary producers like Siinamota and kagerou project popularized as well as a step forward in it's own right. This particular era is what influenced now legendary producers like iyowa. particular The lyrics are simple but harrowingly effective and well thought out. The visuals are out of this world too, tons of different styles and they all work beautiful, especially going from the fluid 3D animation of Miku and various scenery into a full 2D animation for the chorus. Definitely appears we might be having another ime44 situation and I'm all for it, personally. Very good song.
>>1971I like ex. happyender girl, I remember listening to this album a long time ago.
I adopted a tripcode for this thread only, to organize the reviews of tracks I post for my own personal reasons. apologies in advance.
>>1972do you have any recommendations if I really, really like happyender girl?

>>1976Depends on what you are trying to look for in regards to ex. happyender girl. If you want the more chaotic, jazzy style that is subdued, I highly recommend the producer akasaka~nnn (video I embedded), who sounds like a mixture of ex and iyowa. Lots of really jazzy interludes to build up tensions to eventually release in the most beautiful of ways. Dennoko-P also fits this bill too also does this kind of style (on top of this being a very good album I highly recommend) has a bit of this essence in them as well if you are looking for the more subdued, rock oriented sound with some electronica in the mix I highly suggest Nekobolo, whos kind of the king of this also has this beautiful lo-fi shoegaze sound that is really intriguing this helps, I mostly tried to find artists for you who have a similar style but go about in their own unique way. Vocaloid is a beautiful subculture and has a lot of hidden crevasses that are very interesting to explore. I'm not kidding when I say there's probably a vocaloid album or song for nearly every genre and a lot of them are some of the best works in that genre. The ideal of sushi rollymity while also being able to have a synthetic vocalist is a really appealing idea to tons of Japanese producers, especially ones who can't really outright hire a vocalist or aren't connected so there are a ton of producers and artists who got their start in music there.
>>1984I wanted to go to a Kikuo concert near me this year, but I had some conflicts.
>>1989I missed out on the Latin America tour due to my country not being included :(
This track is so goofy sounding I love it. It's like if someone took a post-hardcore mathy riff-based song and decided to make a pop track out of that. It ends up sounding like a glitch track without the glitch but definitely has the time signature changes. Their so much going on the instrumental here and the weird drum patterns towards the chorus that it sounds cerebrally pleasing to me.
>>1993absolutely top tier
(ENG-LYR + SUB-ESP + MP3) Boyz n the Hood (Megurine Luka) No.2002
I was blasting this on repeat one day.
>>2000It is a fun song albeit slightly annoying on the high repetition part because the repetition is too perfectly ordered and could have improved with small imperfections. I love KAFU and Teto
>>2002I don't want to work either!
Megurine Luka - Double Lariat - Original [HD]
This an absolute classic tbh. Also, I don't prefer a specific vocalsynth or vocaloid, but specific artists. I love(d) Kikuo, but stopped listening to him and his new stuff. I'm sure it's great, but I lost interest somehow. I've listened to his album " KIKUOWORLD3 - Sight, Noise, Life and the Earth" multiple times. I just like what he does with Miku's voice. I also recommend Shiinamota AKA PowaPowaP - especially the album "Ikuru", which I've listened to many many times. It has the best version of "Girl A" by him, the studio version, but more importantly, the album's songs blend into each other really well.
>>2090i really like that the producer just used her untuned voicevox version