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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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Can we have a thread for vocalsynth music a la vocaloid, utau, voicevox, vsynth, etc? There is a huge blossoming community for these on Japanese internet and imageboards and I think it's very beautiful and worth looking into. Some questions to start the thread off
>What is your favorite vocalsynth?
>Is there any particular song you absolutely love? >Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?

Here's a song I really like:


>What is your favorite vocalsynth?
I really love Adachi Rei. Her voice is really unique and soothing. It's made of completely synthetic sounds with no base human voice and intentionally made to be robotic. She was made for a robotics project by missile39 (who is famous/infamous for his miku robot) and was crowdfunded by passionate fans of his robotics endeavors.
A video of her work in progress can be found here:

>Is there any particular song you absolutely love?

Heat Abnormal by iyowa uses Adachi Rei and it's honestly one of the best songs I've ever heard. It is a really unique song that creates a surreal atmosphere with it's sound design, fast/erratic vocals, and subdued, melancholic piano. I highly recommend it, it is honestly one of iyowa's best songs and a staple of the entire scene in Japan.

>Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?

I've been dipping my toes into Project Diva on Steam gradually and been also wanting to find other rhythm games with a focus on other vocal synths such as UTAU. Project Diva is a beautiful game with absolutely stellar design both gameplay and art style. If you get the steam version, I recommend the Future Tone graphics style over the Mega Mix graphics style (you can change it in the settings) as it greatly compliments the songs better in my opinion but I know some who play Mega Mix with the original graphic style and it doesn't look too bad but the cel shading looks a bit too wonky on some songs.


A recent Adachi Rei tune that just came out 4 days ago and is honestly some of the best I've heard in a while. That cheerful, anthemic lead is really cute and the vocal delivery reminds me of Mass of The Fermenting Dregs. To be fair, this sort of vocal delivery isn't uncommon in some j-rock but it fits so nicely in an non-jrock tune.


>What is your favorite vocalsynth?
I am rather a newb in this world. Probably Hatsune Miku, due to how many classic songs were made with her. Favorite voice belongs to RIME, though.
>Is there any particular song you absolutely love?
Lately I have been on a hunt for some less known songs, this is one of my best finds. Sounds like a frutiger aero Miku… *・゚+。園にて.゚
>Do you play any vocalsynth rhythm games like Project Diva?
It is my go-to rhythm game to play on a Steam Deck.


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This cute song features RIME, it went unlisted recently so I want to preserve it on Sushigirl.




wow that song is absolutely beautiful, why did it get unlisted?


No idea, I know the artist struggled but I don't want to theorize about that. Here is their channel and the song.

In the embed a new discovery!


this song feels me with immeasurable longing for my partner, i really can't wait to see him again. i really just want him by my side right now.

thank you so much, really appreciate discovering new artists. i am also glad the video is up on youtube at least in some way



this song really got me into chinese music back in the day







miku trappin'


I will be posting some of my finds recently.
This is a beautifully fully animated pv for a song featuring Rin. I love how her voice is in this one in particular. Very good tuning. The PV is really nice, too. Very cute yuri love story that is a bit depressing but also nice message about moving on after loss. At least that's what I gathered, I sadly don't speak Japanese so don't know the lyrics.


Very cute, comfy song sung by SynthV Teto, whose voice is quickly becoming a favorite because of how expressive and full of life the voice can be. I'm glad producers are using SynthV Teto in songs other than covers too, I was really worried SV Teto would become a cover only voicebank and was gladly proven wrong.


Another really comfy song I found that uses COKO, a CeVIO voicebank. I'm not really sure what the lyrics are but this song is just really well produced and I love the flourishes it has towards the chorus too. The PV is also really nice and creative with the meshing of 2D in real world environments in this spinning camera style. Simple, but very effective.


Another PV taking place in the real world, I really love this style. Uses Kaai Yuki as the voicebank. Found this in the related videos after the last video, seems to be a pretty popular song. I always love these ringtone-sounding songs and the chorus is really catchy.


Finishing tonight's report with a Miku song, the queen of all vocal synths. Has that same whisper vocal feel that "MOUDOKU-CHUUI" by dennoko-p has, as well as some elements that could easily mistake it for a more serious-sounding mochiutsune (no shade thrown, love mochiutsune too). Personally I love it, and it is only complimented more by the stellar production that elevates this track. There should be a name for these sorts of tracks that use the ringtone-like sound. Ringtone-denpacore or something.


うりか and 裏命 at it again!!!


【ずんだもん / Zundamon】第三の心臓 / The Third Heart【VoiSonaカバー】



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Zundamon has such a pretty voice. It's nice to hear a video using her singing, she is really underrated for that in particular.

This is beautiful, I like the incorporation of live drums and digital ones, and the melodic serenity of it that feels straight out of a Sintara song from the 60s in the best way possible. Some classic jpop feel while modernizing things.


This track isn't the most amazing thing ever, but it has a really nice ambient pop sound that flirts with minimalism and I like that. Sounds like a good version of whatever Radiohead went with on Videotape at the end of In Rainbows (although I may just be salty because I like the bonnaroo 2006 version of Videotape better)


here's a vsynth gumi song i really like and also a song that i made with eleanor synthv a while ago :>


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ah, i guess embeds take priority over files if you have them both selected in the reply.


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Wow this is absolutely beautiful stuff. I love this shoegazy indie rock stuff so this is right up my alley. You are a really talented composer and I love your guitar's tone. Excellent, beautiful work that reminds me of the earlier vocaloid days when there was a lot of experimentation with shoegaze and noise pop (which I really miss honestly in the new era). I'd love to follow you and support you work in any way I can because this is really lovely.


new うりか!

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