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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz

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I need new DnB for my coding sessions, it helps me stay focused.
Drop some recs if you got 'em


I dislike that anime geeks hopped on my favorite genre growing up.


whoever made this one is a G


This is an anime geek zone u better watch it


I really really like Feint


OP posted one of the best, but if there is someone like me that loves UT99 OST but wants it in a different flavor, I recently found this.


Maybe not quite what OP was after, but I've been loving this for the last few days


File: 1705710092380.jpg (1.87 MB, 867x1227, 138c6.jpg)

Here's a truckload of tracks, depending on where you want to draw genre boundaries with "DnB". Various kinds here, so hopefully some of these might catch your interest! Cherry-picked from my various playlists across multiple devices (seems linking to every track I listed was too many links).

-It's Not My Fault and Never Will Be

[Foxxy Dekay]
-37564 feat. 4649nadeshiko

-Astral Split
-T O K Y O F R U I T !
-Virtual Tears

-Without You
-Till Death Do Us Part

-Purify Me

-Lucy's Revenge

-i need you (reflect)
-emotionally unavailable


-am i overreacting

-they called me violet
-yours forever

-Pregnant Mikan


[black balloons]

-with you

-the feeling doesn't go away, ever.
-my inability to stay committed to things in life has driven me into a hole plagued by constant feelings of melancholy and sadness

-The Voices Told Me To

-Fleeting Frozen Heart

-Last Bliss


Whoops, meant to reply to OP. Oh well, more for everyone


found this yesterday
is this dnb?



i would list ni ten ichi ryu as one of the songs everyone should hear

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