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so good it hertz

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Do any of you sushis listen to podcasts?

A few years back, I would listen to some longer podcasts every now and then, but for some reason (mostly missing time, I guess), I stopped.

Now I kinda want to get back into it, but most podcasts are somewhat long and it's hard to find something that's interesting enough to keep me listening for an hour or more.

So, what do you like to listen to, sushis?


Their YouTube channel is pretty atrocious but the yogpod was a really comfy podcast, and had a nice mix of funny, relaxing and interesting content that works quite well I think.

Another one I liked a lot was Wisenheimers which has since ended. Two internet animators talking about stupid shit.


I listen to a ton of podcasts, but the most comfy one I listen to is a bit left field cause I'm not even invested in the subject that much.

I listen to a podcast called, "Shannon's Lumber Industry Update"

It talks about just about everything woodworking and the behind the scenes of it and while its never something I partake in, the host just has such a nice voice, great vibes, and is very engaging I'm going from the start to the finish with this one. Some episodes run for a typical hour or so, while alot also run like 30 to 45 mins at minimum. Here is the YT link, you can find it on most podcast apps and stuff from what I can tell.



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I listen to a lot when working/driving - lately my favorite has been Controlled Pod Into Terrain, which is about air and space disasters. I like that it avoids clickbait and is well informed, and after the first few episodes the hosts are fun to listen to.


I only recently got into podcasts since I can't stare at the computer screen as much anymore.

I've been listening to fiction ones like The Magnus Archives, The Amelia Project, and We Are Alive. There are a lot of them but honestly, they're not written that well, but I still enjoy them casually.

I'm looking for more chill/slice-of-life ones now.

I'll check that one out.

Controlled Pod Into Terrain looks interesting, I'll try it today.


I think Hermitix is bretty gud



Those hosts are so obnoxious, I don't think I can do it…

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