[ kaitensushi ] [ lounge / arcade / kawaii / kitchen / tunes / culture / silicon ] [ otaku ] [ yakuza ] [ hell ] [ ? / chat ] [ lewd / uboa / lainzine ] [ x ]

/lewd/ - dat ecchi & hentai goodness


Password (For file deletion.)

• Files Supported: webm, swf, flv, mkv, mp4, torrent, 7z, zip, pdf, epub, & mobi.
• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1662223363559.jpg (788.03 KB, 1787x1836, 1662223295076.jpg)


As the title says, draw lewds and post here! I'm not the best artist here but I'll post some stuff I enjoyed drawing


File: 1662223720718.jpg (72.81 KB, 1115x732, 1662223707041.jpg)


File: 1662224565347.jpg (340.38 KB, 1827x1232, 1662224537627.jpg)

Ecchi is OK!
Also balancing


File: 1662558926619.jpg (190.27 KB, 1366x1366, 1662558914917.jpg)


File: 1663109162616.jpg (143.6 KB, 1378x1378, 1663109155747.jpg)

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[ kaitensushi ] [ lounge / arcade / kawaii / kitchen / tunes / culture / silicon ] [ otaku ] [ yakuza ] [ hell ] [ ? / chat ] [ lewd / uboa / lainzine ] [ x ]