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/lewd/ - dat ecchi & hentai goodness


Password (For file deletion.)

• Files Supported: webm, swf, flv, mkv, mp4, torrent, 7z, zip, pdf, epub, & mobi.
• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1479326563770.swf (664.96 KB, sd.swf)


Lewd flashes
This time with a flash that doesn't check on the site it's running on so it should work


File: 1499420203254.jpg (214.19 KB, 1280x1809, Doki_Lovely_Star_S2_Lucky_….jpg)



File: 1505705693969-0.swf (1.66 MB, animeslotmachine.swf)

File: 1505705693969-1.swf (7.12 MB, SimBrothel.swf)


File: 1505726447393-0.swf (475.39 KB, experiments.swf)

File: 1505726447393-1.swf (7.22 MB, noodle_loop.swf)


File: 1518280871505-0.swf (624.55 KB, kagura_mini - swimsuit.swf)

File: 1518280871505-1.png (193.95 KB, 905x656, make_kagura_CUM!.png)



File: 1539638446021-0.swf (4.42 MB, misato.swf)

File: 1539638446022-1.swf (2.99 MB, miyuka-uncensored.swf)


File: 1592776027787.swf (726.22 KB, laetitia.swf)


File: 1595259964333-0.swf (2.51 MB, Kasumi_Rebirth.swf)

File: 1595259964333-1.swf (906.36 KB, 3.swf)

File: 1595259964333-2.swf (1.5 MB, super deepthroat.swf)


Flash.swf is gone. *sigh*


Oh My Goddess!


What the heck is a .swf file? Is this a virus?


SWF = ShockWave Flash, i.e. just flash files, which you can play with the standalone player (or web browser if you have it enabled which you really shouldnt it being EOL (but already being known to have plenty of vulnerabilities before that) and all).

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