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/lewd/ - dat ecchi & hentai goodness


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Remember to keep it cozy!

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File: 1589680657134.jpeg (416.13 KB, 1407x2000, fb2eeb01a63eca2a2302b9443….jpeg)

 No.223[View All]

Post flat or small chested girls here please
103 posts and 208 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1719253257294-0.png (775.28 KB, 1400x2428, 119835964_p1.png)

File: 1719253257294-1.png (1.14 MB, 1400x2428, 119835964_p2.png)



these confuse me


these please me


File: 1719452768897-0.jpg (790.49 KB, 900x971, 44057ead49b28b5290b3154bb4….jpg)

File: 1719452768897-1.jpg (268.53 KB, 1194x1000, 2fbcfe2a300aa6c4d68cee0834….jpg)

File: 1719452768897-2.png (628.78 KB, 544x1080, 594cfdf4be79797e556ce0c956….png)

File: 1719452768897-3.png (337.52 KB, 595x900, b973d6932715c512aadf688470….png)


File: 1719454888450.jpg (181.19 KB, 1000x1300, GQ5cdXfaQAAmCfU.jpg)


File: 1719540902662-0.jpg (384.5 KB, 2000x3080, GM5kFNdbMAAUEi1.jpg)

File: 1719540902662-1.jpg (206.18 KB, 1536x2048, GQRG2z7asAAQXVm.jpg)

File: 1719540902662-2.jpg (935.39 KB, 4096x2959, Fvmg19-agAA37iW.jpg)

File: 1719540902662-3.jpg (888.98 KB, 3752x4056, FveUQQWaYAAGpra.jpg)


Kita-chan so cute! No wonder she's the face of the Kessoku Band!


File: 1719599794236-0.jpg (1021.34 KB, 1080x1440, 0f4afa005e8f2d69e7f21a0681….jpg)

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File: 1719599794236-2.jpg (116.93 KB, 850x1063, 1618974638236.jpg)

File: 1719599794236-3.jpg (292.9 KB, 1680x2254, 1610604551100.jpg)


File: 1719923484899.jpg (70.92 KB, 719x1382, GRSffpTaYAA6HcH.jpg)


File: 1720190687026-0.png (3.76 MB, 2842x3575, 93216894_p0.png)

File: 1720190687027-1.png (425.54 KB, 1652x2339, 114896778_p4.png)

File: 1720190687027-2.png (580.06 KB, 2604x2151, 91531764_p3.png)


File: 1720219257357-0.jpg (208.77 KB, 1280x1652, 108.jpg)

File: 1720219257357-1.jpg (188.03 KB, 1280x1684, 78.jpg)

File: 1720219257357-2.jpg (227.7 KB, 1280x1315, 39.jpg)


File: 1720233559540-0.jpg (183.96 KB, 991x1761, GRTdb9WbUAA93er.jpg)

File: 1720233559540-1.jpg (187.35 KB, 1036x1450, GRkWIb9a4AAAEio.jpg)

File: 1720233559540-2.jpg (146.65 KB, 1000x1403, GRT6L5pbwAANSDV.jpg)

File: 1720233559540-3.jpg (148.44 KB, 1200x1697, aedb2ed9c902af747f1621cb79….jpg)


File: 1720441612336-0.png (1.09 MB, 2481x2555, GKFo6HMb0AEvlHs.png)

File: 1720441612337-1.jpg (583.63 KB, 3187x2616, GKAZInebQAARiKf.jpg)

File: 1720441612337-2.jpg (182.54 KB, 1190x1735, GKAx-2Ja4AAjSjl.jpg)

File: 1720441612337-3.jpg (1.35 MB, 1332x2969, GJcjuDna0AAp-Iu.jpg)




File: 1720758607269-0.jpg (1.31 MB, 1485x2000, 1720722584997.jpg)

File: 1720758607269-1.png (8.26 MB, 2869x3702, 1720278279246.png)


File: 1720780087493-0.jpeg (294.79 KB, 800x1334, horonamintummy.jpeg)

File: 1720780087493-1.jpg (484.87 KB, 4093x2894, momodisinteretdloli.jpg)


File: 1720829778440-0.png (587.33 KB, 1400x900, dorontabi4lolis.png)

File: 1720829778440-1.jpg (352.63 KB, 1280x1883, rustleNmieow.jpg)


we should have a dedicated loli thread but i guess no one is brave enough to start it


i dont like to make OPs, but if you or someone else makes one ill gladly post in it.


File: 1720939478773-0.jpg (239.42 KB, 1300x1900, e9ac7e3c9b9809ab1763e94018….jpg)

File: 1720939478773-1.jpg (2.09 MB, 1800x2400, a0cae92ca91f66ff0733c6519c….jpg)


File: 1720959528577-0.jpg (1.13 MB, 1200x1600, c18da2ac404479f98743287a57….jpg)

File: 1720959528577-1.jpg (609.93 KB, 3640x4096, GSWyJI2W8AAX_jV.jpg)

File: 1720959528577-2.jpg (538.14 KB, 2090x3711, GSR54LoagAEth64.jpg)

File: 1720959528577-3.jpg (227.34 KB, 1328x1920, FaF7zG6VQAAJnPJ.jpg)


File: 1720969426441-0.png (1.32 MB, 832x1216, loli chair leggings black.png)

File: 1720969426441-1.png (195.61 KB, 344x357, lickslips.png)


File: 1721030330062-0.png (1.13 MB, 1720x2444, loliasuka.png)

File: 1721030330062-1.png (501.42 KB, 1000x720, haimurakiyotakalegsopen.png)


File: 1721139078260-0.jpg (315.87 KB, 1681x2846, GSfV7QiXgAAGjJc.jpg)

File: 1721139078261-1.jpg (732.1 KB, 1280x1800, GSiz97waMAAXimd.jpg)

File: 1721139078261-2.jpg (100.15 KB, 819x1254, GShlghXa4AAkpR0.jpg)

File: 1721139078261-3.jpg (73.8 KB, 764x1080, F2jFSlNWQBc7VAx.jpg)


File: 1721831211117-0.gif (4.28 MB, 704x480, 1720194682888.gif)

File: 1721831211117-1.jpg (1.56 MB, 2519x3323, 1721772029034.jpg)

small tits yes


File: 1722082324657.jpg (80.78 KB, 990x1500, GTGLiDEawAA1AbA.jpg)


File: 1722089929508.jpg (377.69 KB, 850x1250, 120752512_p0.jpg)

These boobs are too small for the oppai thread but too big for this thread. Luckily I never really liked madomagi and this thread is in desperate need of VOLUME so I'll put it here.




File: 1722094940936.jpg (578.54 KB, 805x983, 120114410_p0.jpg)

Good! Very good! That's something you can only do to actually well nurtured boobs! Washboards may have a certain aesthetic charm (LOL!) but they're no match to the real thing!

And the good news don't end here! There's another thread on /lewd/ which is sure to sharpen these newfound desires. Why spend any longer here?


Ah… but too big and its not good either! These two girls you posted are of a perfect size for my taste buds! YUM!


this can't be happening


File: 1722635180776.png (3.74 MB, 2475x1748, 658ac5f223403c6fc61c083d63….png)

this is a lolicon board


File: 1722803261153-0.jpg (130.91 KB, 1258x2185, img_4_1722448656545.jpg)

File: 1722803261153-1.jpg (167.05 KB, 1749x2185, img_3_1722448550468.jpg)

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File: 1722803261153-3.jpg (156.07 KB, 1750x1750, img_2_1722039236473.jpg)



File: 1723658042792-0.png (3.37 MB, 1884x2682, kabayakinamazusmallbewbs.png)

File: 1723658042792-1.jpg (196.63 KB, 513x886, シルフェribs.jpg)



File: 1723658443559.png (573.35 KB, 1200x1500, 71be74248d00509a3bec163f7f….png)



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File: 1723865535500.png (544.64 KB, 726x1000, c901e79aca23633c7c92f0f149….png)


File: 1723879265049.jpeg (2.86 MB, 1467x2227, diathornswimsuit.jpeg)


File: 1724012899108.png (1.37 MB, 1447x1920, rorinips.png)


File: 1724740488122.png (1.06 MB, 1158x1637, cunny present piss.png)


File: 1724802415383.jpg (190.12 KB, 1600x1600, GV1GAd8aEAAEate.jpg)

>that bandaid peel
I am dead


File: 1725015600496.png (887.26 KB, 720x1024, tummy shorts hebe blonde.png)

it is very cute.


File: 1725208184517.png (146.16 KB, 703x1000, DZZ2kggU0AAGNjf.png)

More good taste coming through.




File: 1726848102522.jpg (2.08 MB, 2249x4000, F4nDwb_aQAAsVwJ.jpg)

Good artist makes truDFC fanart once ⇛ DISAPPEARS FOREVER

Let this be a lesson to all those who stray from the oppai way.


have more from this artist?


File: 1729253253477.png (584.69 KB, 711x986, azuseneko peak.png)


Dude I just TOLD you he disappeared, I remember him posting some stellar oppai but I only started saving his work around the time he bounced, so I only have like 2 or 3 pics.


if they are DFC, post em please.

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