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/lewd/ - dat ecchi & hentai goodness


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• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1630763454996-0.jpeg (303.15 KB, 852x1100, 2281cfe134fb02d5d1bda7fea….jpeg)

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post only the god tier images you have
40 posts and 61 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1721831260447.jpg (Spoiler Image, 609.89 KB, 708x1000, 1422255715782.jpg)

guro .. girl split in two but not in the way you would think


File: 1724629715536.jpeg (1.43 MB, 2254x3000, 6b89169b5317044b28bb3abfa….jpeg)


File: 1724631084776.jpg (84.81 KB, 892x1258, GV0W9A0bAAAtbFr.jpg)


File: 1724802341984-0.jpg (161.02 KB, 1114x1500, GQ2FVcpagAAVmj6.jpg)

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v-tubers? kekburz!

File: 1621313122866.png (4.86 MB, 4674x4094, 3581637 - Death_Note Nate_….png)


Lend me your cute boys
4 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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File: 1726846933129.jpg (585.99 KB, 1433x2023, C104DL_001.jpg)

yuzuko what are you doing
yuzuko what's that between your legs
yuzuko no


File: 1729228332807.jpeg (297.92 KB, 1345x1656, 1c1a6f7069a9854153088a24d….jpeg)


File: 1729246097910-0.png (347.8 KB, 487x620, evabestgirls.png)

File: 1729246097910-1.png (613.03 KB, 1125x790, sunny basil69 blacknwhite.png)

i love this boy!


File: 1729253433353-0.png (454.5 KB, 636x900, shotas collars blacknwhite.png)

File: 1729253433353-1.png (2.67 MB, 1443x2048, shotahusbandbondage.png)

some moar cute boys.

File: 1713008058422.jpg (177.07 KB, 650x944, 1.jpg)


post quality pages from lewd doujin and manga
- 1 page per book only (double pages are fine)
- no cover artworks
- bonus points for naming the artist, title, translator

starting with
>Orimoto Mimana - 10 things to do while I'm still a boy - WOW!Scans & Ranmakun
49 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1725206957393.jpg (525.34 KB, 1125x1280, 1724018553375.jpg)



File: 1726993433339.jpg (581.24 KB, 1075x1518, 3.jpg)

damn brat….
>yasashii? mesugaki succubus


File: 1728119999633.jpg (362.25 KB, 1280x1780, 32.jpg)


File: 1728648426876.gif (16.16 MB, 850x1190, 0TT.gif)



File: 1729248071269.png (1.79 MB, 1280x1807, ClipboardImage.png)

artist: yoku
title: Jousha-chuu wa Oshizuka ni.

File: 1729178012537.jpg (131.88 KB, 850x953, __kotonoha_akane_and_koton….jpg)


would you? what do you call this fetish?


what the actual fuck is she doing?


the breast suction aspect? or the sleep aspect?

File: 1727739761762-0.jpg (344.4 KB, 1000x1718, Ep7nSlaVQAEogCH.jpg)

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due to lack of interest lewd board is being closed. thank you for understanding


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first picture is great
Panties of and pantyhose off. From that the logical conclusion should be condom off too right?

File: 1718554284207.gif (2.65 MB, 260x260, 973ef847a387b0d5631a5a2fd8….gif)


gifs webms etc
10 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1721338020215.gif (2.31 MB, 672x1080, 120576333.gif)

Extremely hot and also a curiously nice ero animation study piece.


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Lewd butt classy


File: 1726477072022.gif (799.59 KB, 375x195, 1903000.gif)

AZURE LANE's Belfast


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Oh sweet coffee

File: 1605350814296-0.jpg (101.24 KB, 850x680, y1.jpg)

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Clean her up!
16 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1706013417424-0.jpg (122.12 KB, 850x567, 20240125.jpg)

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shirou masamune


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Oh my


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 No.248[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

There's a lot of sushi and not a lot of girl on sushigirl, so let's change that a bit.

Knock yourselves out with the ecchi but let's try to not get excessively /lewd/ even though that's the board the thread is at. Cute is also welcome in this thread.
101 posts and 143 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i psoted this webm and just wanted to say - best boobs ever


File: 1722251667965-0.jpg (153.19 KB, 1178x1373, GOSnlhyaMAAg78M.jpg)

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File: 1722251667965-3.jpg (363.77 KB, 1536x2048, GCpbSZObsAAw3Um.jpg)

extremely nice boobs


File: 1722664344880-0.jpg (193.55 KB, 1566x2138, GT5vzjsbgAAEJDj.jpg)

File: 1722664344881-1.jpg (187.13 KB, 1534x2048, GUA7iuUb0AAHYXs.jpg)

her legs… praying i dont meet her in a dark alley


File: 1725210440183.jpg (39.8 KB, 575x934, DFJ9WguUQAIvUTr.jpg)

Boob skindentation.


File: 1726850849328-0.jpg (304.47 KB, 1536x2048, GSlNFM4acAEX7aY.jpg)

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stockings, office outfit, etc.
16 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1723852981832.png (7.02 MB, 3840x2160, 121175326_p0.png)

Classy lack of tact.


File: 1723865436152.jpg (408.48 KB, 1200x800, 02b9989f9b47793e33ffb7a3c4….jpg)


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File: 1725210322659.jpg (101 KB, 706x1000, DD-EbcIVwAAUNnI.jpg)

Did not even touch re:zero but I can't dedny a good pair of pantsu when I see them.


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File: 1726847158016-1.jpg (101.51 KB, 750x1061, GXl-jIlbsAAZiX1.jpg)

Want some of this?

File: 1468230960302-0.png (299.13 KB, 650x550, 834ff229535beffc0b3f143a74….png)

File: 1468230960302-1.jpg (107.84 KB, 540x407, tumblr_ngc9y4z2Z81rzkby7o1….jpg)

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Just a small dump of certain pairs
7 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1634208053987-0.jpg (708.77 KB, 800x1132, _sel.jpg)

File: 1634208053988-1.jpg (109.3 KB, 706x1000, _sale.jpg)

Spiderman: Amazing!


File: 1648109104921-0.jpg (69.69 KB, 488x700, 20220327.jpg)

File: 1648109104921-1.jpg (92.1 KB, 596x842, aadownload.jpg)

Yuri pairs


File: 1662471655381.jpg (250.26 KB, 850x1203, bmtg (4).jpg)

Castlemania with vampiric Camilla & Sypha Belnades


File: 1670501304003.jpg (477.87 KB, 850x1229, USA01.jpg)

Three's company


File: 1725024024971.jpg (113.54 KB, 850x662, ez.jpg)

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