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/lewd/ - dat ecchi & hentai goodness


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Remember to keep it cozy!

We are taking submissions for original "file deleted" thumbnail art in this thread.

File: 1710612339926.jpg (1020.3 KB, 1200x1602, __akari_original_drawn_by_….jpg)


love this little girl
37 posts and 86 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1726858759118-0.jpeg (89.63 KB, 800x998, 7cf67d4d06eff535a1ca3aad8….jpeg)

File: 1726858759118-1.jpeg (100.64 KB, 900x1337, 79ed225ada67e1d878019399c….jpeg)



File: 1729025271303-0.jpg (88.58 KB, 800x953, 8f1ebb4985b359a2d46c1528ec….jpg)

File: 1729025271303-1.jpg (88.91 KB, 800x1334, 7c7e87eda12295a38dec7abe8f….jpg)


Ya know, that was really a hurtful thing to say, specially because it's not true.


File: 1729548519994-0.jpg (306.99 KB, 800x1193, 368e7a848191135e3cd2637904….jpg)

File: 1729548519994-1.png (302.14 KB, 800x1359, 2c1cc23cf491c4e71667722e2a….png)

calling Akari a tube wasnt nice either


File: 1733096119170.png (802.41 KB, 1200x1540, 139c62f2704d877aff4ca7c141….png)

File: 1718655218067.jpg (959.6 KB, 2717x4096, Fqh0PrGaAAADHUW.jpg)


Hiroi Kikuri (side character in a manga/anime nobody cares about and main character of the manga Hiroi Kikuri no fukazake nikki) is hot as hell and about 90% of my images about that other anime are pics of her. Since she's so multifaceted in the realm of charm, I'm making her thread here rather than make 1 thread for every other board.
67 posts and 163 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1725910712724.png (975.69 KB, 942x1500, 118543728_p0.png)

Sexy kikuri legs (bathed at Seika's place)


File: 1725910763519-0.jpg (244.78 KB, 1612x1245, GVK324HacAAzQcZ.jpg)

File: 1725910763519-1.jpg (463.21 KB, 1535x1718, GVLYJTybQAABjZk.jpg)

Really like the way this artist draws Kikuri, very whimsical and girly.


File: 1725910797781.jpg (884.14 KB, 2374x2374, 114465927_p0.jpg)

kiss 4 u ;)


File: 1729527446737-0.png (1.15 MB, 966x1366, 111923354_p0.png)

File: 1729527446737-1.jpg (864.31 KB, 1286x1835, GaKZX4iakAAYA9x-orig.jpg)

Classic darashinai style by the SEX BOMB of the hour. Very nice choice of panties.


File: 1730314145721-0.jpg (6.06 MB, 4961x7016, 121955232_p0.jpg)

File: 1730314145721-1.png (3.85 MB, 1940x2320, 123375478_p0.png)

Being a MASSIVE, SHAMELESS tease and facing the consequences of her actions (she likes it).

File: 1536436737450-0.jpg (97.23 KB, 771x680, 7c90f3125fa91815c8713d8edb….jpg)

File: 1536436737450-1.jpg (70.07 KB, 500x352, 1435622277556.jpg)

File: 1536436737450-2.jpg (48.2 KB, 600x848, 1b67b1e95fff4656b3ef23fbb4….jpg)

File: 1536436737450-3.jpg (90.77 KB, 736x971, 45ed7938ff43b250f548f94cdd….jpg)


More please
14 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1700976230006.jpg (60.46 KB, 466x643, 20231130.jpg)

Dragon-Half MINK


2024 is the lunar year of the DRAGON


File: 1725282861692-0.jpg (164.74 KB, 803x1000, 20240908.jpg)

File: 1725282861692-1.jpg (148.43 KB, 803x1000, 20240909.jpg)



Oh my…. she's the white rabbit of Wonderland?


File: 1730198032735.jpg (148.89 KB, 841x1274, 20241104.jpg)


File: 1566391097314.jpg (153.06 KB, 1100x776, a8b8e12b22b612e443fefb8079….jpg)


12 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1688302489326.jpg (322.47 KB, 1064x1500, 2_toph.jpg)

Dry July


File: 1692194542485-0.jpg (60.41 KB, 512x768, 20230818.jpg)

File: 1692194542485-1.jpg (39.17 KB, 850x544, 20230820.jpg)



File: 1729768364486.jpg (136.81 KB, 1276x741, 20241031.jpg)

"post last pic u nutted to"
<3 oppai


File: 1729958472964-0.jpg (409.12 KB, 704x1056, 1526071180210.jpg)

File: 1729958472964-1.jpg (912.79 KB, 1225x1024, 1711987586684599.jpg)

>last pic u nutted to


File: 1730197879646-0.jpg (148.81 KB, 841x1274, 20241104.jpg)

File: 1730197879646-1.jpg (83.31 KB, 850x850, 20241103.jpg)

>last pic u nutted to

File: 1711315092898-0.jpg (211.2 KB, 1200x1871, 48.jpg)

File: 1711315092898-1.jpg (258.42 KB, 1200x1871, 44.jpg)


oyari ashito
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File: 1722093070117-0.jpeg (190.29 KB, 800x600, 6c0e33a617e636dc4e1da5ed2….jpeg)

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File: 1729945807532-0.jpg (2.27 MB, 2475x3500, Oyari.Ashito.full.342355.jpg)

File: 1729945807532-1.jpg (2.2 MB, 2530x3500, Oyari.Ashito.full.342356.jpg)

File: 1729945807532-2.jpg (2.06 MB, 2534x3500, Oyari.Ashito.full.342362.jpg)

File: 1729945807532-3.jpg (1.9 MB, 2512x3500, Oyari.Ashito.full.342359.jpg)


File: 1729945841710-0.jpg (2.48 MB, 2542x3500, Oyari.Ashito.full.342358.jpg)

File: 1729945841710-1.jpg (2.36 MB, 3521x4938, Oyari.Ashito.full.353650.jpg)

File: 1729945841710-2.jpg (1.9 MB, 2539x3500, Oyari.Ashito.full.342357.jpg)

File: 1729945841710-3.jpg (1.81 MB, 3318x4925, Oyari.Ashito.full.353657.jpg)


File: 1729945866799-0.jpg (3.83 MB, 4056x5740, 03553403940.jpg)

File: 1729945866799-1.jpg (2.86 MB, 3655x5066, Oyari.Ashito.full.353620.jpg)

File: 1729945866799-2.jpg (2.54 MB, 2462x3500, Oyari.Ashito.full.342365.jpg)

File: 1729945866799-3.jpg (2.5 MB, 3523x4964, Oyari.Ashito.full.353656.jpg)


File: 1729946073366.png (2.78 MB, 1812x2560, 5fb110d98db505adae1af1dc71….png)

Had this one professionaly printed. Love the colors.

File: 1589680657134.jpeg (416.13 KB, 1407x2000, fb2eeb01a63eca2a2302b9443….jpeg)

 No.223[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post flat or small chested girls here please
148 posts and 280 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1726848102522.jpg (2.08 MB, 2249x4000, F4nDwb_aQAAsVwJ.jpg)

Good artist makes truDFC fanart once ⇛ DISAPPEARS FOREVER

Let this be a lesson to all those who stray from the oppai way.


have more from this artist?


File: 1729253253477.png (584.69 KB, 711x986, azuseneko peak.png)


Dude I just TOLD you he disappeared, I remember him posting some stellar oppai but I only started saving his work around the time he bounced, so I only have like 2 or 3 pics.


if they are DFC, post em please.

File: 1621313122866.png (4.86 MB, 4674x4094, 3581637 - Death_Note Nate_….png)


Lend me your cute boys
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File: 1726845334394.png (8.74 MB, 3457x5000, eee9afc90888792d3bef273bf8….png)


File: 1726846933129.jpg (585.99 KB, 1433x2023, C104DL_001.jpg)

yuzuko what are you doing
yuzuko what's that between your legs
yuzuko no


File: 1729228332807.jpeg (297.92 KB, 1345x1656, 1c1a6f7069a9854153088a24d….jpeg)


File: 1729246097910-0.png (347.8 KB, 487x620, evabestgirls.png)

File: 1729246097910-1.png (613.03 KB, 1125x790, sunny basil69 blacknwhite.png)

i love this boy!


File: 1729253433353-0.png (454.5 KB, 636x900, shotas collars blacknwhite.png)

File: 1729253433353-1.png (2.67 MB, 1443x2048, shotahusbandbondage.png)

some moar cute boys.

File: 1713008058422.jpg (177.07 KB, 650x944, 1.jpg)


post quality pages from lewd doujin and manga
- 1 page per book only (double pages are fine)
- no cover artworks
- bonus points for naming the artist, title, translator

starting with
>Orimoto Mimana - 10 things to do while I'm still a boy - WOW!Scans & Ranmakun
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File: 1725206957393.jpg (525.34 KB, 1125x1280, 1724018553375.jpg)



File: 1726993433339.jpg (581.24 KB, 1075x1518, 3.jpg)

damn brat….
>yasashii? mesugaki succubus


File: 1728119999633.jpg (362.25 KB, 1280x1780, 32.jpg)


File: 1728648426876.gif (16.16 MB, 850x1190, 0TT.gif)



File: 1729248071269.png (1.79 MB, 1280x1807, ClipboardImage.png)

artist: yoku
title: Jousha-chuu wa Oshizuka ni.

File: 1729178012537.jpg (131.88 KB, 850x953, __kotonoha_akane_and_koton….jpg)


would you? what do you call this fetish?


what the actual fuck is she doing?


the breast suction aspect? or the sleep aspect?

File: 1727739761762-0.jpg (344.4 KB, 1000x1718, Ep7nSlaVQAEogCH.jpg)

File: 1727739761762-1.jpg (454.78 KB, 1485x2448, EvzGWBvXcA0mslQ.jpg)

File: 1727739761762-2.jpg (729.99 KB, 1980x3402, Em-rG8nVgActGVc.jpg)


due to lack of interest lewd board is being closed. thank you for understanding


File: 1727877979701-0.jpeg (1.63 MB, 3270x4096, 8b7d94f0786afb8a73738359c….jpeg)

File: 1727877979701-1.jpeg (342.46 KB, 1789x2336, 9ab97e85444b80b71089f7fe6….jpeg)


first picture is great
Panties of and pantyhose off. From that the logical conclusion should be condom off too right?

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