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/yakuza/ - site meta-discussion

the sun never sets on the sushichan global crime syndicate
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• Files Supported: webm, swf, flv, mkv, mp4, torrent, 7z, zip, pdf, epub, & mobi.
• Embeds Supported: youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, metacafe, & vocaroo.
• Max. post size is 10MB / 4 files.

Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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Hello Sushis,

We suffered a raid directed from another imageboard on 10/04/2021. It looks like many smaller imageboards were attacked, and the stated goal of the attack was to wipe out older imageboard culture. To this end, the attackers tried to make as many spam threads as possible in order to push legitimate content off of the last page, deleting it. The raid used bots and dozens of IP addresses in order to bypass our flood filters.

Thankfully, a board user joined the new Discord server and alerted us within less than an hour of the raid starting, and I was able to lock down the boards while the moderators removed the spam posts. However, it looks like the attack partially succeeded, because on our less active boards we still have posts going back to the start of the site reboot in 2016, but on the more active boards that were already full, such as /lounge/, we have many less pages and only a couple years worth of threads. Our threads were bumped around too, so a few older threads are now near the top of their boards.

This incident also showed me that my backup system had not been working correctly. It was reporting that the backups were being uploaded each week, but in fact I didn't have anything newer than May. I cancelled the managed backup service I had been paying for, and switched to a custom solution, which I finished implementing today before re-enabling posting on the boards.

It is likely that I could restore most of our older content using the May backups, but this will require splicing the boards using some custom code so that we don't lose any current content. I will look into doing this when I have time/energy. Alternatively I am considering just putting a snapshot of the site from May on a subdomain for people to view the old threads that were lost, and I will probably end up doing this first.

I have got captchas working correctly (as far as I can tell), so they will stay enabled for the time being. Please report any issues on the IRC or Discord chats, accessible from the "chat" link in the navigation menu. These chats are linked together, so it doesn't matter which one you use.

Warm Regards,
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Thanks for the hard work!


>the new Discord server
>my backup system had not been working

The attackers didn't have to do anything to kill older imageboard culture. Job's already done.


I'd like to know too, did they have anything about their actual motivation sei/whoever?

Seems extremely unlikely considering the scales we're working with.


> the stated goal of the attack was to wipe out older imageboard culture



it's just trolling for the sake of trolling, doesn't really warrant discussion as to the why.

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I am thinking of doing a Board Exchange Program with Uboachan. Is it a good idea? Here's how it would work:

A few of Uboachan's tamest boards where people are generally polite but there is currently almost no activity, namely the Dreams board, the Art/Oekaki board, and the Literature board, would be linked in Sushichan's menu, and clearly designated as being external boards. I am not sure whether I can work these into /kaitensushi/ easily, and I may not want to.

I am more hesitant to link Sushichan boards on Uboachan, but if I did, I would add Sushichan's Kitchen board, and possibly replace Uboachan's dead Japan board with a link to our Otaku board. (I would need to be convinced that this is a good idea.)

Please give me your thoughts in this thread.


>replace Uboachan's dead Japan board with a link to our Otaku board. (I would need to be convinced that this is a good idea.)
I like this idea, especially on the merit that it might bring a bit more liveliness to the discussions over there. I've never used Uboachan but I can't imagine the users of a Yume Nikki imageboard are gonna be so unruly as to make /otaku/ unusable lol


Sounds like a good idea. I'd say there's a decent crossover in the kinds of people who use Sushi and Uboa and it would help bring more activity to both sites.


I'm not enthusiastic about the idea because we already have threads for discussing dreams and literature here and if I wanted to use uboachan I would already be posting there, but if you go ahead with it I would at least insist that sushi boards be linked on uboachan (otherwise it's not an exchange) and that uboa boards not be incorporated into /kaitensushi/.

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This hopefully isn't a problem, but in the past there have been multiple attempts to unify imageboards into a single community. One such unification exists right now which is known as the "webring". Before this there was an attempt in 2018/19? that existed solely to datamine users, and for the past 1 1/2 years there's been one guy creating imageboards on a weekly basis to spam everywhere he can (I think its a person called Space_ but I'm not sure).
I don't trust any of it and its spread some low-quality posters much farther than they should be (People from 8chan in particular).

Please don't join any of this stuff if they ever come here trying to convince you.
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Not to break comfy, but lainchan as a community has changed a lot since the 8chan shutdown. If this happens, might need to keep a closer eye on the site than you do now. Just a thought.


Thanks, this had crossed my mind but I wasn't sure since I don't visit there often.


Those web rings are shady and one of the main reasons I dont really browse image boards anymore.




not even lainchan webring?

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Thought this would be a good place to post any issues users run into. The only one I have dealt with yet is that attempting to go to the catalog of any board returns a 404.
PS. Ty for bringing back this lovely place <3
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hide nginx version plz, it's a security risk

strongly recommend that you block TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and also enable TLS 1.3 for future-proofing so that only TLS 1.2 and 1.3 are enabled
e.g. put "ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;" to your server block, then test with "nginx -t", then "systemctl reload nginx", then check your site's tls with that link

strongly recommend you make a robots.txt in your website root directory to tell search engine site crawlers (google bot, bing bot, yandex bot, baidu bot, etc.) to stop indexing media files so you no longer get DMCA complaints (or at least much less than before), as copyright troll bots scour through google images et al. regularly
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*.bmp$
Disallow: /*.epub$
Disallow: /*.gif$
Disallow: /*.jpg$
Disallow: /*.jpeg$
Disallow: /*.mkv$
Disallow: /*.mobi$
Disallow: /*.mp3$
Disallow: /*.mp4$
Disallow: /*.pdf$
Disallow: /*.png$
Disallow: /*.webm$

it'll also cut down bandwidth usage because these crawlers download and parse every file daily

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also maybe consider setting "$config['always_noko'] = false;" to true in instance-config.php, i hate it when it takes me back to the board's index.html when posting a reply to a thread


on second thought the cron job needs to be every week, since certbot can only renew early within 30 days of expiry, this would be a problem for months with 31 days, so it should be checked once a week instead, e.g. 0 0 * * 0 /usr/bin/certbot renew –quiet (dash dash quiet)


made a mistake, you need nginx-ctl when doing it in cron, it needs to be:
0 0 * * 0 /usr/bin/certbot renew –nginx-ctl /usr/sbin/nginx –quiet

(dash dash for nginx-ctl and quet, not emdash)
and if you're not on root account make sure you edit crontab with sudo crontab -e and not just crontab -e


i meant true

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Would you ever consider making the music on the front page fade in? It's kind of startling to have it suddenly start
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Hey I'm an old lurker from back when sushichan was new. What happened to the Tycho and Aphex Twin that used to play on the front page? Can it be considered to bring that back?


Oh it seems that some browsers don't allow it. Perhaps iframe element functions. I also see that the old flim.mp3 was commented out. Perhaps it can become an alt for certain browser types?


I change up the music every so often. I might put up an old tune for a while eventually.


Adding on this, does the music starts randomly or is it supposed to start every time you access the website? Of all the times I've visited it, the music only showed up like two times.


Huh, weird. I don't really know why it would do that, but it has been temperamental for me at times as well.

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Would anyone be particularly upset if I stopped allowing loli content in /lewd/? I have started becoming paranoid about hosting such content since a while ago, and I am afraid to link the site to people I know. Please give your thoughts in the comments.
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I don't think there was ever a plan to remove it, just take it off the board list so only sushis who know of it can get there.


anyone against this is a goddamned pedophile and ive reported each and every one of you ITT complaining the the fbi


Hi Yuno, long time no see. Wanna make out?




I support a ceasing of loli content in /lewd/. I don't care for loli stuff most places, but lewding them just feels a bit too much.

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Can you please allow/support mp4 containers too?

This is completely standard web-acceptable H.264 8bit yuv420p and AAC in an mp4 container.


Oh yeah, I can do that. Sorry I didn't see this thread for such a long time.

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We haven't had a new wildcard in a while.
Shall we have a holiday special?
Leave your thoughts in the comment section below! Don't forget to like and subscribe!


Christmas is over but maybe we could have a board about cows and oxes since it's the year of the ox

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Hello sushi rolls!

Lately the moderators have been finding unacceptable amounts of rotten sushi left out on the floor and tables during their off-hours. Obviously it's time for some new hires to fill in the gaps!

I am now accepting Janitor Applications! As a Janitor who loves Sushichan, and ideally a person with a stomach for dirty work, your job will be to clean up bad sushi (cp or spam posts) and annihilate (permaban) the offenders who are almost certainly killer robots disguised as honest patrons of our establishment. Janitors who perform admirably might even one day become moderators! (Currently there isn't much of a difference, but I hope to change that soon as well.)

If this work interests you, please answer the questions below and email your responses to the email in the email field, that field that everyone knows emails aren't supposed to go in ever.

1. Why do you love sushichan?

2. How long have you been frequenting this establishment?

3. How often do you think you can scan the /kaitensushi/ board for rotten sushi and killer robots?

4. What is your timezone, and what are likely to be your most active hours?
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I'm glad to see some applications coming in! I should be able to get to these by Friday or else early next week.

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When I post can I return to the thread instead of the front page?


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Yes. Press the keys marked in red at the same time.


Put "noko" in the email field. Or was it neko? It's been ao long


yeah its noko

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