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/tunes/ - enjoyable sounds

so good it hertz
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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

File: 1479257269243.webm (2.06 MB, 480x480, tekkaman - aquqtic.webm)

 No.155[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post in this thread music, you found recently and enjoyed.
187 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.






Hey, old post I know, but I just wanted to say that this is how I found TV Girl, which has become a beloved band for me. I just went to their French Exit tour a few days ago, the first concert I've been to since lockdown. It was a great experience, and I bonded with one of my friends over it. So thank you!

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Nothing to contribute, I just wanna say I love this stuff and thanks for making the thread





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16 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


anything echospace


Very trippy fan-animation for a surprisingly great track.




good taste

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>BeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies. All song data is contained in the URL at the top of your browser. When you make changes to the song, the URL is updated to reflect your changes

Just found this website and I think it's kinda cool so I wanted to share it with you guys. Post music you made itt, I'm curious to see what you guys come up with. This isn't a shill thread btw, I don't own this

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Awesome loop.
Awesome crow.

This is one of the reasons why I like shushichan. Threads that have been ignored for a year or longer can suddenly have new life breathed into it by a poster.



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Do you have any guilty pleasure songs? If so list them and why.

To start off this thread bubblegum dance, think "The witch doctor", "Barbie girl", and "ay ay I'm your little butterfly". I checked out the discography of the band behind "witch doctor" out of curiosity and I unironically liked their other songs. Looked into the genre they were in and I liked the rest of it.
I guess my main shame with liking it is the same reason I enjoy it; it's so gratingly kitschy and over the top it loops back into being good fun again.


For me it's Aqua's first album, it's odd but it's filled with a lot of energy


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mine is bay city or Japanese pop music in general I'm usually a rock and metal kinda guy but Japanese music really strikes a nerve


I really like Ka. He gets me in a particular mood which I actually enjoy a lot.
But today I was struggling to find anything similar. I could find other rappers along the line, but I need something without vocals.
Something that keeps this kind of tone. Please?
Sushies are good for this hence I ask. Thank you very much.



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I'm in school in a shit mood, got any decent hip hop albums I can give a shot?
I'm kinda normie and listen to Kendrick, Kanye and Tyler most of the time. I also like the album Alfredo and want to get into Freddie Gibbs.
7 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



fuck. How do you embed videos here?


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Pic related then just paste a normal YT-link in the embed-field that pops up under it.



thank you sushi roll.


Be it just an acoustic guitar or with more lushed instruments, post it here.
I've hitchhiked far enough to actually relate to embed related


I like this stuff too, would love to find more spanish folk. another good song for wanderers; Facundo Cabral's version, as well as Paradoxus Luporum and Isaac et Nora's on youtube are good as well


France Gall is a total qt and her music is sweet as hell. If you know more stuff similar to her please post it here!
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gentilé/gentil and méchant/marchand have totally different meanings!
As suprising as it could seem, it's not at all a wordplay, at least natively.


Relaxing 50's progression with french lyrics



It is pretty funny though.
At least to me.


Love this type of stuff. Jacques Brel and Joe Dassin are great too, plus everybody that's already been posted


Instruments with personality.


Posting any kind of virtual live or unconventional instrument is fine.



I honestly have no idea what is going on here, but it's mesmerising. I thought the preview frame looked like static cover art for some vapourwave album and not a real working instrument, lol.


I love this, thank you for sharing.

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