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/arcade/ - vidya gaems and other gaems too

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Remember to keep it cozy!

Captchas didn't work. Sticking to janitors while we try to think of something else.

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When I was young, my parents didn't have much money, so while I did play games a lot, they were always somewhat old;for instance, my brother and I played CoD 2 (2005) a lot even when MW2 was the big thing. I also fondly remember playing Super Mario 64 and some stuff on the Wii. Anyways, now it seems like the majority of games (big ones at least) are all just FPSs and battle royales and in general a lot don't seem to have much soul. The Outer Worlds just didn't have that FNV feeling. So I've been playing old games and actually having a lot of fun. Got Morrowind recently, which I remember playing a little around the time Skyrim came out/got big. Also a few months back I played N64 LoZ games on an emulator and I think I'm going to do that again. Any other suggestions for older games I might not really remember (or just comments)? Anything goes, these just seem…better but worse in a wierd way.
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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines


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Cooking Mama


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I'm actually revisiting a childhood (and family) favorite game, Diablo 2 with Project Diablo 2. It's a hell of a mod. It's a perfect mix of vanilla diablo 2 with rebalancing and actual "unique" uniques with good end game content. lots of fun builds now viable. It's great.

I've been only playing on Battle.net. The peeps there aren't half bad.

For anyone interested on what I am running, I finished an frozon and got bored of her. Building on an enchantress with a unique bow with multishot. It's REALLY fun, but I've rediscovered the Passion runeword with Zeal. Idk what I want now!


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Street Fighter II is now 30 years old….


Interested in the official Diablo II Remaster?

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Thread music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atD8coOkWso

I'm really into racing games.
There's something cathartic about constantly improving yourself and shaving milliseconds off of your time, becoming perfect over each iteration over your run.
The physics start feeling just right, you feel the car sliding to corner at a perfect apex on a dime, what a feeling.

Who here likes racing games?

I own a bunch but I identify racing games I play the most into three categories, they're all good for different moods:

Semi-realistic racers:
Rally racing, circuit racing, if it gets too realistic the physics become cumbersome, but it's nice being focused on the weight transfer of the car.
Examples: Sega Rally 2, Dirt Rally, Colin McRae Rally, Gran Turismo.

Mindless tuning racers:
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Burnout 3 anyone?


>Drift Stage
What's the status on that? The last time I heard anything was early last year when someone sent me the backer build and confirmed that the physics are still complete bunk. It's a damn shame too, I like the concept and the soundtrack is absolutely spot on, but the gameplay itself just feels like a substandard Outrun 2 clone and it just isn't enjoyable.


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I only ever played the pre alpha they released way back and loved it. I don't do kickstarters so I never got to play any of the recent versions. I'll be disappointed if they ended up changing the game for the worse.

They just released a backer update yesterday ( https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1910344764/drift-stage/posts/2158029 ) so the game's still in active development. Hopefully we can play it sooner rather than later.


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Birds of a feather.


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Are there any racing games with horses?
I wanna be the elf queen riding the unicorn

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At least IMO one of the comfiest game genres.
Care to share your favourite ones?
Have any tips for new / lesser known ones?
(couldn´t find any fitting image that doesn´t focus on any specific flavour of puzzle games, so have some nice flowers instead)
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Found another cryptography puzzle game, a free one. Either online at https://manansingh.github.io/The-CryptoGame/thecryptogame_files/index.html or just download it zipped from https://github.com/mananSingh/The-CryptoGame for offline.
Much more hand-holdy than Cypher, longer format explanations of the current method, less to figure out (as far as I've tried it at least, on chapter 3). Tools to solve the cryptograms are included. It kinda feels like if someone had made a game out of mathbook exercise problems. Not a bad thing, just a mood.


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Besieged and Baba is You. Both very fun games


talos principle is so good, i've somehow played through it three times. it drags a bit near the end, but the writing is so great.

oh and before i don't contribute anything again, i occasionally play a few games of this: https://gridentify.com/ fun little distraction. make 3s and 6s, never 4s or 9s EVER, is my hint.


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Here's a site full of cool short puzzle games (though not all of the are): https://increpare.com/
One game I particularly enjoyed was Make Way!: https://increpare.com/game/make-way.html


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Nice one. Would give it a go.

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So I want to start a thread that's like the WiiU appreication thread but for the Sega Genesis/Sega Mega Drive.

Pic semi-related.
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Best game on the genesis is puyopuyo err I mean Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.


There's been a TON of new games coming out for it, very impressive. Among those that came out I'd say tanzer, arkagis and xeno crisis are the most appealing. Paprium came out recently and I've heard praise for it but the moment you make a game for a retro console with added hardware to the cartridge that wouldn't exist or be prohibitively expensive at the time of the console's heyday is the moment I dismiss your game.


I thought that was a PS1 game, huh


It was ported to the PS1 as well. It was originally an arcade game.


The PS1 is so weird, half its catalog is like a crossbreed between old 2D consoles and the other half is 3d that didn't really look that good.
That didn't happen with the n64, most games were just 3d and the 2d ones didn't feature much spritework

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anybody actually exited for nightwolf and sindel? I never really gave a fuck about those characters.
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got anything better to post, funny man?


no not really


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Vega in Mortal Kombat please.


This site is one of the cringiest chans I've ever been on, and you're complaining about fucking Wojak? No wonder this place is dead, kill yourself.

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I did this 9 years ago on a long dead imageboard and I want to do it again. For Christmas, I'm giving away some games on steam to you lovely people. Leave your steam ID here and I'll message you. Nothing too pricey so that I can give to as many people as possible, around ~7$ or lower with some wiggle room. I don't need anything in return, so enjoy!
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sent friend requests

if you go to the "add a friend" page there's a code you can paste instead of your user id. either way I wont laugh at your username, promise ;)


AHHHH I woke up too late to respond and now the sale is over! I'm sorry sushi roll, I let you down


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And that's it for now! I hope everyone enjoys their games and have a nice new year. I might do this again next time there's a sale.


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There's a short steam sale going on now so thought I might bring this back. Same deal as before, sale ends tomorrow.


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Thanks for the Momo sushi!

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hello sushi lets share some cool freeware games.

i'll start

white chamber - a cool point n'click adventure game set in space

ben jordan series- a point n' click adventure where you play a paranormal investigator

irisu syndrome - a cool japanese tetris-like puzzle game with a cool story
english translation patch for the game -> https://www.mediafire.com/file/nlujzb91wjl0bu7/IrisuSyndromeENv2.03.zip
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>Infra Arcana
Gonna check this out, any tips for starting out?


It's easiest to start out as War Veteran, most straightforward playstyle (just keep in mind that other classes take a turn for switching weapons).
You get XP by learning of new enemies/items rather than kills, most enemies are only worth killing if they're an obstacle to somewhere you need to be and you can't run around and block the path behind you (doors can be jammed if you have spikes, just press to close the door an extra time after you've already closed it).
You can't spend forever at one depth, you need to budget your mental stability to last you to the stairs downwards.
Potions with negative effects aren't useless, since you can throw them at enemies.
If you don't have a numpad you can move diagonally with Right/Left arrow +Shift for up, +Ctrl for down, but it's much more comfortable to play on numpad. Check the F1 manual for other keys, you'll need most of them.
Undead corpses rise again if you don't destroy them, kick them with same key you kick down doors with.


How the heck do you deal with the invisible guys that show "something claws you"? All my runs that lasted past the 4th or 5th floor have died to them.

Fun game though, pretty simple to pick up compared to a lot of the roguelikes I've played.


There are scrolls of see invisible, and some invisibles are rendered visible just by turning on the lantern. Also the "vigilant" trait shows the location of nearby creatures regardless of visibility.
I usually just outrun them since you don't usually have that many identified scrolls as a non-occultist, and they don't tend to chase you that far and they just hit you if you stay/go somewhere they can reach.


Ah, I always run out of my lantern by then, I gotta use it less. I'll try running away more often too, I really should.

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Do people still make high quality written reports of their video game playthoughts? I'm looking for stuff like lparchive.org/Sid-Meiers-Alpha-Centauri/
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I guess the forumfags did something right.


A game which makes for very interesting written reports and for which written reports are relatively common is the Dominions series. There are many written accounts of Dominions 3 and 4 multiplayer games from each player's perspective, as >>311 points out most are from SA. I also love the format and would like to read anything anyone had to link


I haven't seen any recently. You could make one. Just go nuts on that screenshot button and write it as you play so that you don't lose track of what happened in the past in the game.
Or at least write it one section at a time, so that it has some sense of narrative and you can be surprised when surprising things happen.


When you look into it there's actually a lot of interesting stuff that's happened on there. Sadly most of it is gone now.


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Half-life, natural selection, counter-strike, dod, team fortress, just to name a few!
I feel like these game are super comfy. Along with bunny hopping, there are many reasons why these games are just better than newer games in their series'. TF2 doesn't have concs, making it super slow, and csgo has loads of problems.

Why are older games so much better?
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>brought the ghost back to their base
their cap point is supposed to be in YOUR spawn, or at least most of the time(what map were u on?). I do tend to enjoy bigger maps, but 3v3 pugs are pretty fun on the smaller ones like redlight. I do agree that the rounds are really fast, but I'm not bothered by it I guess.


>their cap point is supposed to be in YOUR spawn
oh, that explains why my teammates always got mad at me when I carried the ghost back to our spawn


Forget the games, the *mods* are what was up.
Brainbread, The Specialists, Action HL/Quake, Firearms, Zombie Panic, Jaykin' Bacon, I could go on for hours. Where would we be right now without Carmack?


Does anyone play Day of Defeat?


Older games are creative & fun first; accountants (aka Bachelor of Business types) being in upper management don't get that but are the ones making the decisions.

It's not just the video-gaming industry either. Boeing is a most obvious example of what happens when only accountants are in charge.

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Your board is cordially invited to participate in a fighting game tournament. Score as high as you are able and earn glory for yourself and/or your board.


BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/MASHFIGHT
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/8V5KD80C1F#/signup/269mgr143wj
If you do not want to register, post the name that you are signing up with in a central thread. You will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.

Full installation: https://mega.nz/#!ashhnZza!cWdD2mqnQSfpzow5h_LDABQzHOnAiHDL62ceAOF6z9k
Mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7ulje2arv05zjbg/Touhou_Hisoutensoku_%252B_Full_Unlock_%252B_SokuRoll_%252B_SWRSToys_%252B_Tensokukan.zip/file

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It was cool. There's a link to stream archives at the end of the 8moe thread, mega a shit though so you might have to fuck around with download tools a bit.


I tuned for a bit too, watched 3 games, then came a dry spell with no games whatsoever and a lot of dolphin talk, something about other stream then came a mirror match and I left.
At the very least in my time there I could confirm there was 2hu talk and games there every once in a while, good for you lads.


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We're having another tournament over at https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/thread/1860.html . Your board is once again cordially invited to participate.


BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/MYSTERY_BOX
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/EJDpLCI3AT#/signup/kyd03y2f608



ALTERNATIVE STREAM ROOM LINK - https://cytu.be/r/kimeemaru
Organizing with PMs is easier here.

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